Seventh Wheel

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Uhhh hey folks, it's been a hot minute since I posted smthn here. But I recently started rewatching Voltron again, so I thought I'd give y'all a little angst 🤩 Enjoy :)

It sucks. It really, really sucks being the odd one out.

For a long time, it had always been Hunk and I.
Best friends since middle school. I even convinced him to come with me to the Garrison.

He was my best friend. Me and Hunk, two peas in a pod.

But then we met Pidge. Don't get me wrong here, I love her, one of the best friends a guy could ask for. Sure, at the beginning she really didn't like us, but then we all got closer.

I could feel myself drifting away from the two of them.

I hated it.

Pidge and Hunk just had so much more in common.

They were both insanely smart and could understand each other.

I'm an idiot. A total idiot. I had nothing in common with either of them. I was the third wheel.

Then, there was Keith and Shiro.

Shiro, my idol, a literal superhero.

I wanted to save him so badly.

But then Keith showed up, with his awesome, badass moves.

He saved Shiro.

Now, I was the fifth wheel.

Next thing I knew, we were in space.

We met Princess Allura and Coran.

They were practically attached at the hip. I know that Coran was her advisor and all but still, he was there for her. They were a pair.

Seven of us on a space ship.

3 pairs and 1 left out.

There was no room for me, I wasn't needed anywhere.

Hunk and Pidge hung out, talking about schematics and technology and all that smart stuff.

Keith and Shiro trained together. Keith was his right hand man. The two always had each other's back, and they preferred one another over anyone else on this ship.

Allura and Coran were always there for each other. They gave and took advice whenever they each needed it.

And then there was me. The blue- well, now red, paladin.


Always alone.

There was no place for me. And there never would be.

I think that's why I barricaded myself into the airlock.

I think that's why I ignored the screams of the others as the robotic voice counted down.

That's why I didn't care when the door flew open and I was sucked out into space.

That's why I'm gone now.

That was sad, plz don't hate me :')

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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