Painless (angst)

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Hey just before you read, in this one shot Lance has CIPA which is a rare disease where you can't feel pain. That's it. Enjoy.

Lance's POV

The mission was actually going pretty well. We were on a galra battleship cruiser, trying to gather info on what planet they planned on attacking next. Keith and I stood guard for Pidge while she hacked into the computers. Hunk and Shiro drew the attention away from the control room.

Eventually, the soldiers figured out what we were up to. They came back to the control room. Pidge hadn't finished yet.

"PIDGE WE HAVE TO GET BACK TO THE SHIP", Keith yelled to her, while fending off a soldier.

"I'm not done yet!" she screamed in response, not taking her eyes off of the computer.

I shot a soldier who was running at me. "Forget it", I hissed. I shot a few more guards down.

I turned and faced Pidge. "We have to go no-", however I couldn't finish my sentence. I felt a tingling in my stomach. It didn't hurt, obviously, I can't feel pain. But there was still a tingling in my lower stomach.

I looked down. I had been stabbed by a soldier. Pidge and Keith's eyes widened. "LANCE", Pidge screamed.

However, I was entirely calm. I pressed one hand against my wound, applying pressure. I used my other hand to press the com button on my helmet. "Hey Coran can you prepare a healing pod for me? There's been an accident", I said.

"Of course, but what is wrong? You sound okay", he replied.

"I was stabbed in the stomach. I think I'll be able to make it back to the ship in time before I bleed out, but please just have the pod ready anyway."

Coran didn't respond right away. He was shocked. Of course. I didn't plan on telling anyone but it appears that it's a little to late for that.

"I-I um y-yes I'll get the uhh pod ready", he stuttered.

"Can you guys help me get to my lion?" I asked Pidge and Keith.
Really no point in that though. Pidge had fainted. So much for the info. And Keith was staring at me with eyes wide and filled with tears. I rolled my eyes and yanked a piece of cloth off of a dead galra soldier's uniform.
As I tied it around my very deep gash I said, "Never mind, Keith, keep Pidge safe until she wakes up, we need that info."

As soon as Keith snapped out of it, I ran back to the blue lion. I climbed into the driver seat and heard Blue whimper, she sensed my wound. "I'll be fine", I muttered and took off to the castle.

My vision started getting hazy. I was losing too much blood. I took one of my hands off the controls and tied the cloth tighter.

Why am I even trying to make it? The team won't care if I die anyway. I'm just a place holder.

Blue heard my thoughts and growled. She hates when I have destructive thoughts. She says I'm "worthy" of being a Paladin. PUH-LEASE! I get yelled at everyday for screwing up everything. This lion must be broken.

I pulled into Blue's hangar and hurried out of my lion. I started getting dizzy.

I was almost there. Just another hallway or two.

I limped out of the hangar.




No I'm almost there.


God please I can make it.


Just another room.

Kill yourself.

I collapsed into the room, everything going dark as I was hoisted into a healing pod by Coran.

Two days later I fell out of the pod. I expected to hit the floor but strong arms caught me. "Hey Lance", Keith said, looking down at me. Suddenly, everything came rushing back to me. I shoved myself away from Keith and the rest of the team. "Lance....why didn't you tell us you had CIPA", Shiro asked in a concerning time. I shrugged, and stared at the ground, avoiding eye contact. "It isn't that important", I mumbled. Keith looked at me and I swear I could see pain in his eyes. That only got me more pissed off. He doesn't care about me. He hates me so why on earth (no pun intended) would he care if anything happened to me.
I looked up and glared at all of them. "None of you care. You all treat me like crap. So why is it that when I FINALLY get hurt, all of you act like you actually care?"
They all looked shocked and stayed quiet.

"Exactly", I said. "Now I'll be in my room. Inform me when training begins", with that I turned on my heel and stormed out of the room.

Everyone was to shocked to come after. Well, everyone except Keith. I was almost to my room when he yelled,


I turned around quickly and snarled, "Wha-" , but I didn't get to finish. Keith slapped me across the face. I stared at him, not flinching when he slapped me. I obviously couldn't feel it. He glared at me. "You think I don't care about you!" he yelled.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Keith I know you don't care about me. You tell me that I need to 'be better' and 'train harder' literally everyday", I replied blankly.

"Yeah? Well maybe there's a reason why I do that", he said.

"Really? What's that reason", I asked, glaring.

He grabbed my shirt and pulled me into him. Next thing I knew his lips were on mine and we were kissing. After a second, I kissed him back. God, this....this was amazing.

We pulled away after a minute or two to catch our breath.

"Maybe I'm in love with you", he said looking down, face clearly red.

I smirked and lifted his chin with my hand, my sleeve falling down a little.

"Maybe I'm in love with you, too", I said, looking into his eyes. However, he wasn't looking at me anymore. He was staring at where my sleeve had fallen down a little.
My wrist.

I pulled away as quick as I could, but I was too late.

Keith kept a firm grip on my arm. I tried to pull away.

He yanked up my sleeve. His eyes widened.

"L-lance. What...why...why would you do this", he said looking up and down my arm where hundreds of cuts littered my skin.

His eyes filled with tears and I looked away. I pulled my arm out of his grip and pushed down my sleeve.

"Just because I can't feel pain physically doesn't mean I can't feel it emotionally."

Heya guys. I hope ya liked that. I know there was that little lovey dovey scene but HEY this is angst. We need an angsty ending! I'll make a Part 2 to this if you want. Comment and let me know. That's it though. See ya laterz.

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