I'm Fine part 2 (angst)

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Because a ton of people wanted that part two, here ya go! Hope ya like it!

Keith's POV
I was completely shocked. Lance? Why Lance? Of all people it had to be Lance?!
I was almost too shocked to notice Lance quickly walking away from me and to his room. Almost.
I race after him. "Lance wait please!"

He harshly turns around and snarls, "What do you want Keith? Can't you just leave me the fuck alone for once? I'm tired of arguing. Just leave me be."

My eyes widen. He's tired of fighting with me? But I thought he was the one who started the whole rival thing?

"Lance I can't leave you alone! You're suicidal", I say.

"No shit Sherlock. But no need to worry, I won't be killing myself for a little while. I don't have the courage to do it yet. Just give me a few more days then I'll be out of your way."

Tears flowed out of my eyes. "Lance let me help you, please I want to help."

He laughed. He fucking laughed.

"What don't you understand Keith? I said I'm fine. Could you kindly leave me alone, I would like to go abuse my wrist", he said turning and heading to his room.

I leapt and tackled him to the ground. I pinned his arms, careful to avoid cuts.

"Get off", he hissed.

"No", I snapped back.

He writhed and thrashed frantically, however I'm a lot stronger then he is.

"Lance, you dipshit. Don't you get it? We fucking love you! You're the life of the whole group", I said.

Lance rolled his eyes and snickered. "Yeah? If I'm so loved why do you all treat me like shit? If I'm so loved, why do you all roll your eyes when I enter a room? If I'm so loved why do you all make me feel worthless?"

For once in my life, I was speechless. I let go of his arms and he shoved me off of him. He stood up and said, "Now for the last time Keith, I'm fine. Let me be."

Welp, looks like there's only one card left to play. I wanted to save this for later but I guess I've got no other option.

I stand up and roughly grab Lance's hips. I turn him to face me and smash my lips onto his. I start kissing him. For a moment, I think he's rejecting me. He just stood there, not doing anything. But now, he's kissing me back. We both sink into the passionate kiss.

    I back Lance into a wall and kiss him harder. Lance moans against my lips. After what feels like an eternity we pull away for air.

"Don't you see how important you are us? How important you are to me?"

Now it was Lance's turn to be speechless. He stood there, blushing and not knowing what to say.

I peck him on the lips again. "Lance, I need you to promise me you'll try never to hurt yourself again. And if you ever feel worthless or any of that bullshit you think that is not true, you have to tell me", I say, pressing my forehead against his.

Lance's POV

    "Keith....", I say. I can't make a promise I can't keep.

"Please", he says, tears clearly visible in his eyes. "Please. For me, Lance. I need you. I-I love you dammit. You have to live for me."

I sigh, tears welling in my eyes as well.

"I promise."

Keith smiles and kisses me again. God, I will never get enough of this.

He pulls away and loosens his grasp on my waist. We both regain our breath and stand. Keith reaches for my hand. "I love you", he says. I smile and grasp his hand.

"I love you, too."

He smiles and we walk down the hall, holding hands.

I don't know if this will last. I don't know if Keith and I will be together until the end. I don't know if I'll be happy forever. But for right now, at least I can finally mean it when I say I'm fine.

OH YEAH WHAT AN ENDING!! Hope ya enjoyed that as much as I did. I wanted to make an angsty ending but I decided y'all have been through enough and you deserve a happy ending. Welppers that's it for this story. Any suggestions or ideas you want me to write about? Let me know on da comments. (Remember I'll do a fluff or smut if you want ;). Thanks for reading! Farewell for now! 🙃✌️

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