Red Flowers (angst/fluff)

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Lance's POV
   Breakfast was actually going pretty well. Pidge and Hunk were talking and laughing.
Coran and Allura were discussing plans. And Shiro and Keith were smiling at each other.

Wait a tik toking second. Why are they smiling at each other?

Shiro whispered in Keith's ear, and Keith nodded.

"Hey guys, Shiro and I have something to tell you", he said.

"We are dating."

Well I didn't see that one coming. Everyone smiled and clapped except for Pidge who went, "Ha, GAYYY."

I smiled as well and gave them a thumbs up, not managing to say any words.

Then I felt it.

An itchy feeling at the back of my throat.

I coughed violently to rid the itchy feeling.

Bad fucking idea.

A few drops of blood and a thorn fell out of my mouth when I coughed.

Before anyone turned to look at me, I threw my napkin over where I had just coughed up blood.

"Lance are you alright", Hunk asked me.

I wiped my mouth and nodded. "Of course I am, my big yellow friend. Now if you'll excuse me for a moment, I must use the restroom."

I quickly left from my seat and sprinted to the bathroom. I slammed and locked the door.

I lifted the toilet seat and sat down I front of it. Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!

This can't be happening! Why is this happening to me? Why me?!

I coughed violently and a rose petal coated in blood flew out of my mouth, and floated into the toilet.

Fucking Hanahaki Disease. This is just FUCKING great, isn't it?

Next thing I knew I was crying.

I remember Mama telling me about this. She would say, Remember mijo don't ever fall in love with someone who won't love you back.

Why couldn't I listen? Why did I have to fall in love with the one person who would never love me.

Freaking Keith. Why does he have to be so perfect? Why do I have to love him?

I threw up a bit more before swallowing back the pain and heading out of the bathroom. 

2 weeks later..

"Late again. Really Lance", Allura snapped once I bustled through the door.  

I coughed into my sleeve before standing up and smirking.

"Sorry about that Princess, this beauty takes time", I said with my classic finger guns.

Everyone rolled their eyes and sighed.

Training actually wasn't too bad. We were doing one of those elimination training simulation things. Keith and I were the last ones left.  

Do not mess this up, I told myself. 

I shot at drone that was coming at me from the left. A hole in the floor appeared and the broken bot fell through. 

I held up my gun and backed up. My back collided with another solid object.  

I started coughing violently. Of  course I just had to bump into Keith didn't I?

I fell to my knees and grasped my throat. I heard someone yell, "End training sequence!"

Everyone started to crowd around me. Blood spilled from my mouth. 

The team stared at me in horror as red petals flew out of my mouth. 

Hunk shook his head and said, "No, no, no, Lance....Lance you can't do this to me bud. Who is it? We can find her and it'll all be okay."

I shook my head. I chuckled. God that was dumb. I felt the thorny vines contract around my chest,squeezing my lungs and making it hard to breathe. 

Pidge, who was now crying, crawled up next to me. "Lance is it someone on this ship? You can just confess to them", she said in between sobs.

I tried to nod and Hunk must have noticed because he said, "Okay, okay just sit tight I'll go get Allura."

I rapidly shook my head, causing even more coughs and rose petals. Now the rest of the team, Shiro and Keith, were sitting on the floor next to me. They all looked at me, shocked. 

"I-its not Allura", Shiro asked me. I shook my head again. 

"Then who is it", Hunk asked quietly.

 tried to speak but that was an incapability at the moment. Pidge rubbed my back and said, "I'll point to each person and just nod if that's them okay."

I nodded in agreement. 

First she pointed to herself and I shook my head. Then she pointed at Hunk. Again, I shook my head.

She held out her finger towards Shiro. I slowly shook my head. 

Pidge and Hunk gasped in union seeing as their was only one person left in the room. Pidge pointed a shaking finger at Keith.

I nodded.

I fell onto my back and felt the thorn vines creeping up my throat. God, why does death have to be so painful. Keith lunged forward and placed my head in his lap. 

The thorn vine is getting tighter. I can't breathe. 

I wheeze for air as Keith cries. "No, no, no Lance. Lance listen to me. You can't go. Not yet okay? You have to stay here. We need you. I-i need you."

"I'm s-sorry", I coughed. 

"No Lance, listen to me. Shiro doesn't love me. He's in love with Matt. We were never in love. Lance please I love you. I've always loved you. You can't leave", Keith sobbed.

He loves me? Oh my Christ he loves me!

The grip in my chest suddenly began to loosen. The itchy feeling that was constantly at the back of my throat vanished. The sharp thorns were gone. The disease was gone.

I slowly sat up. I wiped the blood off of my mouth and smiled at Keith.

"You love me?"

He smiled in return and nodded, tears were clearly welling up in his eyes. 

I pulled him into a hug, where he sobbed harshly and squeezed me tight. Shiro smiled. 

"Come on guys lets give them some time alone", he said to Pidge and Hunk, leading them off of the training deck. 

Keith and I sat there hugging for what seemed like hours. After he calmed down he asked me, "Does this mean I can finally date you now?"

I smirked and chuckled. "Yes mullet head. We can date now."

We stood up and interlocked our fingers. We smiled at each other and walked off the training deck, leaving on the floor behind us those dreaded red flowers. 

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