Car Crash (angst)

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This is an AU where they are all back on earth and in high school and are just normal teens. Also Coran and Shiro aren't in this AU.

"Who's pumped for the party!", Lance asked excitedly as the group of friends walked down the hallway towards their classroom. "I'm actually pretty excited", Allura smiled.
Keith, being the emo boi that he is, just shrugged. "Who's driving", Pidge asked.
Lance stared into the distance, held up his three fingers and said, "I volunteer as tribute." Everyone laughed at Lance's Hunger Games reference. "When are you picking us up", Keith asked. Lance shrugged. "Around 7. So be ready by at least 6:30", he said. The group smiled and then went their separate ways.
Le time skip brought to you by the Blue Lion
The gang met up outside of school once the final bell rang. "Alright I'll see you guys later", Hunk said as he walked off with a backhand wave. They all nodded and headed towards their own vehicles.
When Lance arrived at home, he immediately began getting ready, considering he only had a couple minutes, as he had to pick the crew up. He tossed on a white tee shirt and black jeans. He tore through his closet in search for a jacket. He found a light blue jean jacket and pulled it on over his arms. Lance grabbed a hat, his keys, and his phone off his desk and raced out of his bedroom.

When he got downstairs he grabbed his converses and pulled them on

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When he got downstairs he grabbed his converses and pulled them on. "Bye mama", he yelled as he opened the door. "Oi! Be safe mijo!", she shouted back from the kitchen.
"Okie ma, te amo", Lance replied sprinting out the door.
Lance headed to Pidge's house first since she was the closest. "Can I get shotgun", she said running out of her house. "Ah sorry gremlin Keith already called it", he replied with a smirk. Pidge glared and hopped into the backseat muttering something that sounded awfully like "dickhead" under her breath.
Next was Hunk's house then Keith and finally Allura. Once the whole gang was in the car it was around 8. "Party starts at 8:30 Lance, step on it", Allura said excitedly from the backseat. "Stay under the speed limit. I kind of want to live", Keith replied. Lanve chuckled. "Will do mullet."
About 45 minutes later the crew arrived at the party. "I'm headed to the bar, anyone wanna join", Allura asked. Keith looked towards Lance but he had already disappeared into the crowd. He turned back to Allura and nodded. "Yeah I'm in", he sighed. "Yes! Let's get some shots going." With that Allura grabbed Keith by the arm and yanked him to the bar.
4 hours and a ton of shots later.
The only sober ones now left were Lance and Hunk. Lance, because he had to drive and Hunk, because he didn't like drinking at all. Allura and Pidge were now passed out in the couch and Keith was dancing recklessly on a table. "Um shall we try and get them in the car", Hunk asked. Lance nodded and said, "You get the girls, I'll get Keith." Hunk made his way over to the passed out girls as Lance snuck over to Keith. As he approached him he smirked and said "Alright bud let's get you home", offering him a hand. Keith grabbed his hand harshly and hopped off the table. "Awww But I'm having so much fuuuun", he replied getting awfully close to Lance, who's face was now a shade of red. "K-Keith you're drunk." "Just 'cause I'm drunk doesn't mean I don't wanna be with you", he said placing his hand on Lance's chest. Lance's breathing hitched. "Keith stop. I'm having a hard enough time restraining myself", he replied. "What if I don't want you too", Keith said seductively, pressing himself up against Lance. Lance grabbed his waist and tossed him over his shoulders. "Sorry Keith not like this", he sighed as he carried him out the door and to the car, where Hunk was already in the back seat waiting with the girls. Lance placed Keith in the passenger seat and climbed into the drivers side. "Alrighty guys let's drop you off", he said.
There wasn't any traffic on the road, just an occasional car. Keith was constantly flirting with Lance and touching his face. "Keith I'm driving", he told him sternly. Keith crept his hand down to Lance's thigh. "K-Keith", he sighed.
"LANCE", Hunk yelled, and then it all happened so fast.
Keith slammed back into his seat, going unconscious.
Allura screamed as her window shattered and glass poured everywhere.
Hunk jolted forward into Keith's head rest.
Pidge.... Pidge's seatbelt snapped from the force, causing her to launch forward towards the windshield. "NO", Lance screamed as stuck his arm out in front of Pidge and blocked her from crossing the space between the front row and the windshield.
That's when Lance's world went black.

Keith's POV
      My eyes fluttered open and my head immediately was in pain. I looked around the room and saw I was in a hospital bed. I sat up roughly as I recalled the events from what  I last witnessed.
Last thing I remember was...... oh. Oh god.
Panic flooded into me as I nervously scanned the room. Allura was sitting in a chair, her face covered in stitches and band-aids, a couple feet away from me. "A-Allura", I stuttered. "Hey Keith", she said sadly. "It really happened, didn't it? The crash?" She nodded sheepishly. "Where's everyone else? A-are they ok?" Just as I finished the sentence Pidge came into the room in a wheelchair. Tears filled in Allura's eyes and I knew at that moments what happened. Pidge's legs were paralyzed. "Pidge...", I sighed quietly. "I'll be o-ok, it's Hunk we need to worry about right now."
"Why? What's wrong with Hunk?", Keith asked, not wanting an answer.
"He's-he's........ he has amnesia", Pidge stuttered out as tears poured down her face.
"N-no", I whispered quietly. After a few moments of silence I managed to buck up the courage to ask about the person I've been most worried about.
"W-what about Lance", I questioned sadly.
Pidge's eyes widen as Allura falls to the ground and sobs. Pidge turns her wheelchair sadly away from me and whispers, "H-he....... He's gone, Keith."
I was in shock. There was no way this could be real. He can not be dead. He ISN'T dead.
      I fell to the ground and onto my knees. The love of my life is gone. Dead.
And it's all my fault.

Right so that was sad for me. That was a pretty long one shot. 1112 words!!
I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to recommend stuff in the comments. Peace out for now my dudes.✌️

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