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"Come on, what has got you so sad?" The waitress asked, as politely as possible. Jake didn't feel like sharing, but he looked into the young waitresses caring eyes, and blurted out about his parents.

Halfway into Jake's story session, he instinctively asked the waitress, who was now sitting down in front of him,"Don't you need to be working?"

"It's alright. I just ended my shift."

"Oh, okay... As i was saying..." Jake continued. He didn't even know the waitresses name, or vice versa, but Jake was so openly sharing his feelings, and the waitress was so attentively listening.

"Anyway, enough about me... Oh i'm Jake, by he way."

"I'm Sharon."

"That's a nice name. Please don't hate me, but why do you work here? You're the same age as me, yet so hardworking."

"My parents, they, well i don't know where they went, but since last December, i've never seen them. I work here, and half of my savings go to renting a tiny room on the third floor. How about you?"

Jake didn't know what to say. He felt embarrassed to say that he lived in a mansion. That was something he never though he would ever think of.

"I'm currently on my way to find my parents, so don't have any sort of house right now."

Jake decided to force a soft laugh, dismissing it as a joke, lightening the mood ever so slightly.

"It's turning dark. Why don't you stay at my place for the night? I contract ends today, so i can come with you, if you want. I can't do anything else, anyways."

"Please do. I'm more of a quiet person, but i swear if you leave me alone for another 5 minutes, i will go crazy."

Sharon laughed. She guided Jake to her room.

"Welcome to my humble abode..." Sharon commented. Jake sat down, and asked her,"Why are you so nice?"

"I don't know. Slife?" Sharon then walked out of the room, saying that she was going for her night shift and that Jake could help himself to the TV.

"If you feel like sleeping, there's a spare mattress in the closet."


"Don't mention it."

Once Sharon exited the room, Jake took the time to actually look at the room. It was spotless. The walls and TV was white.

Jake thought: Wait what? How's her TV white in colour? Upon closer inspection, Jake realized that the screen was transparent. How did Sharon afford this?

"Oh yeah... It's not hers. She rented the place. Duh." Jake mentally slapped himself.

All that walking had tired him out. Jake retrieved the mattress, and lay down, quickly drifting off to sleep.

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