The Search

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This is the first chapter where i am looking in Jake's POV, so i might mess up a bit. Sorry in advance.


As Sharon walked out if the restaurant, her boss came up to her and gave her a little box.

"Please take this. You've been a wonderful waitress. Thank you for your help."

I stood beside Sharon, awkward as ever. I took out my phone, and check to see whether the co-ordinates i put in were still there. Sure enough, a red dot appeared on my screen.

Looking back up, i heard the two finish their conversation, and headed to the door, with Sharon slightly trailing behind. Catching up to me, she asked," So exactly where are we going?"

"Warehouse 41."

"Why? Those warehouses are in use. Why would you mother be there?"

"I got a call from my mum saying that she was okay. But she was definitely not. I tracked the call to warehouse 37, but couldn't get the co-ordinates and address to get there."

"Well then just go to warehouse 41. They're next to each other, right?"

"I think so."

As we headed towards the warehouses, we started to talk about random things to pass time.

"I'm learning programming right now..."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really?"


"Maybe i can teach you."

Just then, I saw a restaurant in front of us. We walked towards it and ate some food, before heading back out into the growing darkness. As we continued, the streetlights got more and more scarce.

"What's that?" Sharon whispered.

She pointed at two tiny specks in the night

"Thats a hunter wolf."

"What the hell is a hunter..."

"Run!" She yelled. Shocked, i scrambled off to the side of the road as the wolf sped past us.

"It isn't even chasing us." I commented.

"Yeah. It's use is to chase people off the streets at night."

"Okay. Now i know what i'm NOT going to do."

"There's a hostel. We can stay there for the night."

"I have no money."

"I do. Come on. This branch is located in somewhere remote. If they increase the price, no one would go."

I shrugged. That makes sense, i thought.

"Come-on. It'll probably cost 1cent or something."

"Alright. Lets go."

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