Edric x Shy! Gender Nuetral! Reader

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I re-read the letter I had just written as Luz leans over my shoulder, smiling. 

"He's going to love it!" She says, bouncing up and down on her toes. 

"Are you sure, Luz?" I ask her. "It seems a little, you know, weird. I mean, we've been friends for a while now and-"

I'm cut off y Amity sticking her phone in my face. I take a second to step back and focus on the screen. "All I see is our picture from Grom with you guys..." I say, tilting my head in confusion at Amity. 

"Yeah, on his nightstand. The he constantly keeps the picture on, and doesn't let anyone touch it. Ever." She says non-chalantly.

"Oh.. OH!" I cover my face in embarrassment as Luz and Emira giggle. 

"Luz, Amity lets get going. He's right over there!" Emira says. But, before I can ask them who they mean, I see a certain green-haired boy prop his elbow up againt my locker, giving me an adorable wave. 

"Hey, cutie."

I feel my face heat up as I look down at my shoes in embarrassment. 
"hi, Edric" I say, barely above a whisper. I fidget before I feel Edric's finger under my chin, lifting my face up to meet his. 

"You okay, sweet stuff? You don't look to good..."

I feel my soul leaving my body as I nod my head.
"I'm fine." I say, grabbing his hand away from my face and dropping it as I back up.
"I'm just a little bit tired is all! I swear!"

Edric grabs the books from my hands and shrugs. 
"If you say so. But I'm going to carry these for you. Just in case."
He smiles his dorky smile as we walk to class, chatting.  I feel the letter crinkle in my hand and I can't help but glance back at Edric. His Green hair was bright, even in the dim school lights. His smile and laugh made me feel like I was floating, and I just knew that I had to tell him. 

"Hey, Edric?" I ask, looking up/down at him nervously. 

"Yeah, Y/N?" He asks, stopping and moving off towards the wall to avoid the large wave of students behind us. 

"W-Well, it isn't t-tha-   that big of a deal I just-" I sigh and fidget with the note still sitting in my hand. I hear Edric set the books down and I look down only to feel a hand cup my cheek and lift it up. I look up/down at him, my face red as he smiles smugly. I open my mouth to say something when I feel his soft lips pressed on my cheek.

"Look, Y/N, your crush on me is really obvious, and I hope that's what you were about to tell me because if not it's gonna get really awkward because I really like you."

My eyes widen in surprise as I start to giggle, walking back down the hall. Edric rushes to catch up with me and tilts his head, confused. 

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny? Awwwhhhh man I knew it I-"

"Because I can't believe I had this whole plan when it was so obvious!" I say, stuffing the letter back into my pocket. "I was so convinced that I was never going to be able to tell you. I told Emira the plan was stupid, but I guess I didn't need it after all, huh?" I rush off to class as the bell rings, leaving a dazed Edric behind me. 

"Wait, plan? Y/N! Y/N! WHAT DO YOU MEAN PLAN!?"

I hear him run after me and I can't help but laugh in embarrassment and pure joy as he yells,


Sorry It's so short.

I have literally no brain cells left right now. 


And remember!


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