1k+ reads / 50+ votes special (short part one milestone chapter)

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Before I start writing this I really just want to thank all of you. 
When I started this book not too long ago, it was supposed to be something I could just play around with in my free time. I really wasn't expecting this. Honestly. 
I never really liked my writing, it always seemed so... dumb to me. 
Seeing people on this app that actually read my writing means so much to me. 
Thank you. 
So much. 

Now, enough being sappy, here we go!


I trudge through the forest to find that stupid owl. 
It looked like a baby owl, and he took my best friend, Luz Noceda's, favorite book and I am currently walking through the forest, mosquitoes biting every inch of my legs to find it. 

"Hey! Y/N! Come look!"

I hear Luz so I rush over to see her staring wide-eyed at a run-down shack. 

"Great! A child endangerment house."
I say sarcastically. 
I look over at her as we both smile and nod. 

"Let's go!"
We yell in unison, smiling at each other as we rush inside of the shack. 
I expected to find an old person with a bunch of feral animals as pets screaming at us that we were trespassing, but instead we ended up in some weird junkyard.

I hear someone talking and motion for Luz to follow me. 
"Look!" I whisper harshly, pointing to an older lady who was about to throw the book onto a candle. 
"1, 2... 3!!!!!!" I yell, both of us pouncing at the book, grappling to try and grab it. 

Luz manages to swipe it but instead of running, she decides to apologize.
"Excuse me, sorry, it's mine, thank you."

"Luz! Come on! Let's go!"

The lady sighs in annoyance before doing some sort of circling motion with her finger. 
"Oh, you're not going anywhere."
The door closes and we both tumble outside, hissing in pain at the sudden light. 
I see something glittering in the corner of my eye and I turn around, tapping Luz on the shoulder. 

"Oh, hello, little fairy. Are you going to tell me this is all a fantastical dream?"
Luz asks as I roll my eyes. 

"Luz! how do we know she's a good fairy!"

The fairy growl and bites at Luz's arm, barely missing. 
"Give me your skin!"

We both fall back and gasp, I grab Luz and hold on tight, scared out of my mind. 
We wince, waiting for the pain of tearing flesh to come when-

"Agh! Get out of here you pest! Shoo! Shoo!"

I open my eyes to see the lady beating the fairy away with an old broom. 

Luz gasps dramatically and her eyes widen in fright. 
"Where am I? Did I die? Am I in the bad place?"
She whimpers as I rub her arms and try to calm her down.

Sorry that this is so short but even going partially by script takes a lot of work. 
Uhm, well, again thank you all for the reads and votes, and I hope to come out with the next part soon!!!


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