1k+ reads / 50+ votes special (short part three milestone chapter)

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(Thank you all so much for 4k reads! This one will be a little longer than the others to make up for the delayed 3k, only about 200 words longer, but still longer  -w-)


We left off with the two of you... meeting KING!!!

"WHO DARES INTRUDE UPON I.... the king of demons!"

A small dog-like creature stands in front of us, a rubber ducky in his hand and a towel around his waist. He was tiny, and looked fluffy and soft. Luz and I both 'awweeeee'd at him and Luz smiled, reaching to pick him up. 

"Eda, he's so cute! Who's a widdle guy? Who's a widdle guy? Is it you? Is it you?"
She snuggles him and squeezes him tight as he desperately tries to escape. 

"No! I don't know who your little guy is! Eda, who is this monster?"
He said, in a tiny, adorable voice. It took all I had not to hug him right then. 

"I'm Luz, and this is my best friend, Y/N!" Luz squealed, letting him go and placing him gently on the floor. 

"They're here to help us with our little... situation."

I shake my head. "Wait, wait, wait. I don't lie the sound of this 'Situation'" I say, doing air quotes and then crossing my arms. 

"Just... let me explain." Eda says, and I nod. "King was once
a mighty king of demons,until his crown of power was stolen, and he became... this." She said, gesturing to 'King'.

"You mean this little bundle of joy?" Luz says, pinching his cheeks and babytalking him. I had to drag her away so Eda could finish the story. 

"The crown is being held by the evil Warden Wrath, and locked away behind a magical force field that only a human can break through..."
She paused, looking at us both, seeming helpless and desperate.
"Humans like you."

I shake my head violently and grab Luz, pulling her into a corner.
"Okay. No way we're doing some dangerous ranomd quest from some weirdo witch we just met an hour ago. I am scared and you should be too." I say, shaking her shoulders a bit.

Luz just smiles and rolls her eyes.
"You're joking right now, right Y/N? A QUEST! We get to go on a magical, witchy quest!" She says, grinning and squeezing my hand. "Lets do it!"

I sigh and just nod. No way I'm winning this argument. 

Eda sees my unsure face and quickly says, "If you help us
retrieve his crown, we'll send you back to your realm."

I light up, squeezing Luz's hand, which was still holding on to mine. 

"So whaddya say? Plus, who could say no
to this cute face?" She jokes, picking up King and squeezing his cheeks, smiling hopefully. 

Luz looks at me, bouncing on the edge of her toes, and i nod, sighing. 

"Yes!" She pumps her fist in the air and smiles. "We're doing a quest, baby!"

King screams and tries to wriggle awa from eda. "No! Please don't encourage her! Aah!"
He goes limp and gives up as Luz squeezes him into a hug, smiling. She lets him go and smiles at me. 
"Can you believe it, Y/N? A quest where we will get to restore the name of a powerful king, and earn a witche's trust. Gaining the power to go back to our... demension? I'm not so sure how thiis workss...


"Soon, Mr. Ducky, we shall drink the fear of those who mocked us."

King giggles as he keeps squeezing the rubber duck, smiling. 

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