*^ What You Do On Movie Nights ^*

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Amity seems like the type of person to watch some sort of romantic Netflix type of sitcom with you. You would lay your head on her lap (or the other way around, it just depends) and turn the TV up loud, snuggle, and eat some super-cheesy popcorn. 

Luz would practically force you to sit on the floor with her, insisting it's way more fun. You would pour a crap ton of left-over Halloween candy (especially the eyeball gummies), snuggle up close to each other, and watch something silly and fun. (Luz totally has all her profiles set to Kids mode. Change my mind)

Gus is nervous as heck, pampering you as much as possible. He would make sure you're comfortable, constantly giving you blankets, pillows, and pouring your favorite candy in your popcorn. He has his set to a kids profile, so you just watch a sentimental movie that only lasts about an hour. (Both of you would totally pass out before the credits, or just him if you have enough energy :p)

Willow is so freaking weird about movie nights. If you have them at her dads' house, she constantly keeps checking the door, hoarding her dads' phones and cameras underneath the couch. She would cover you up, make sure you're comfortable, then turn on whatever you want. 
You'd both probably argue over who gets to pick because she wants you to pick, and you want her to pick. In the end, you probably win and she just watches it to make you happy. You both think it's a little too late to eat in the beginning, but end up constantly walking over to the fridge and grabbing some ice cream or something. 

Poor king just wanted to watch some action movies, then you walked in and completely took over. BUT, you made him your favorite snack to share, and he laid down cuddled up right next to you, so it ended up just being you guys passed out after a few hours of channel surfing. 

MoViEs? No. Viney will put on some of the cringiest shows' gag reel compilations and you two would just watch that and eat some raw pop-tarts for a few hours. 


This poor baby just wanted to watch a new cooking show, and you jumped in and changed the channel to your favorite movie. This happens a lot. You don't care because, in the end, you both end up snuggled against each other, wrapped in a blanket, snoring like there's no tomorrow. 

Boscha would absolutely despise movie nights (Her romantic panic just shoots through the roof, that's the only reason)
After an hour or two of watching whatever you wanna watch, she'd take the remote, turn on a romantic movie, and definitely make some moves on you, no snack needed ;3

Emira is way too upbeat and excited for Movie nights. She gets snacks, popsicles, the goods.She'd turn on something funny, channel surf a bit, then turn on something boring while she "makes sure your comfy" (aka:  totally tries to make out with you a couple of times.")

Edric is way too good at relaxing. He turns up the volume, sits back with you right beside him, turns on some romantic movies, and ends up sneaking a few kisses and flirtatious lines in there.

This little guy sits all grumpy until his favorite song comes on. From then on out. you guys just start belting out the movie's music and acting out all the scenes together. He turned on a super romantic movie you guys knew by heart one time just so he had an excuse to be flirtatious and funny. (and kiss you  a   l o t )

Lillith sits down and turns out the nature channel. There is no doubt. You guys eat dinner and snuggle down afterward while you fall asleep in her arms. 

Eda turns on some crazy sh** shows. She watches the weirdest shows and you just sit there, no idea what's going on, and just eat your snacks and snuggle. This is all her movie nights, yours consist of your favorite movie, your favorite snack, and you guys bundled up into a big ball of blanket and cuddles.

Sometimes you'll turn on the TV and if Owlbert is around, he'll just sit down on your shoulder and join you.  

 The Bat Queen's Babies 
All you do is turn on a kid's channel and they stop crying. You snuggle with them, feed them, and watch them fall asleep as they finish some weird twisted Boiling Isle's version of a kid's show. 

Hooty turns on what he wants. 
You watch. 
You guys snuggle. 
Nothing much to it other than making fun of his worms and chips I guess. 

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