1k+ reads / 50+ votes special (short part two milestone chapter)

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(2k reads / 50+ votes)

I CANNOT believe we've hit 2k reads AND 70+ votes on this book. I can't express how much this means to me. Thank you all so much. 

Go check out my new contest on my  Tis-A-Gay-Cult  profile!
I tried my best to find some new prizes!

We last left off on Y/N and Luz almost being attacked by a small fairy-like creature, but were suddenly rescued by Eda. 

"I'm so sorry! I just wanted my book!" Luz screams, trying her best to hide behind me dramatically. 

"And if you're gonna eat my skin, just make it quick." I said, holding Luz's hand, scared for my life. 

"Eat you? Why would I eat... a potential customer!? Can I offer you
a human foot filled with holes? A bar of green human candy? Oh, oh! How about this black shadowbox that reflects only sadness?"
Luz and I watch, confused as the lady walks around, showing us a bunch of broken old junk, claiming they were amazing "Human Artifacts"

I look at Luz only to see that she's approaching the woman and the T.V
"That isn't 

all it can do," She says, grabbing a nearby CD and putting it in. "See?"

The lady stares in awe as the TV starts to play a Jazzercise video from what looks like early 200s or so. Weird for her to have that unless,

"Hey, where do you get all this stuff?" I ask. 

The lady opens her mouth to say something. I thought it was to answer my question, but she just starts to laugh. "This thing is a hoot!" She says, "Hey! I got something special here! Screaming box from the human realm!" She yells to a few nearby customer. Everything goes silent before random monsters and creatures start yelling out prices they'll pay for "The screaming box"

The lady starts taking all the money, restraining anyone trying to touch the box when she looks down at us. "What did you say your names were, again?" She asks. 

"Luz Noceda! And this," Luz pulls me close by the arm, "Is my best friend, Y/N L/N!" I give the Lady a sheepish wave and crack a weak smile.

"Hahahaha, hi." 


"Um, Ms. Eda... lady... aren't you worried, like, at all about those guards finding us?"
I ask, kicking the dirt on the ground, getting no reaction from anything around me. 

"Nope! My house has a state-of-the-art defense system!"
Eda says, sounding slightly annoyed. 

"Hoot Hoot! Password please!"
I jump into Luz's arms with a squeal, looking around for the weird voice. 

"W-WhErE did ThAt come from?!!" I say frantically searching around for someone. 

"We've got no time for this, Hooty, let us in," Eda says, poking the door with two fingers. Luz slowly lets me down as I walk over to the door. There was a strange door decoration that looked sort of like an owl. I reached out to touch it before it stretched out of the door and smiled and Luz and I. I felt my soul leave my body as I stared at it. 

"Woah! Awesome!" Luz says, touching the bird-thing. "What is that, Eda?"

"Hooty. He guards the house. Well, he kind of is the house." She says, trying to shove Hooty back in the door. "But he never, ugh, listens to me!" She says as "Hooty" is shoved back into the door and it opens wide. 

"Alright, alright! Geez..." Hooty says in his high-pitched voice, a sad look on his face. 
I pat his head and walk inside, then stop as Luz and I both grab onto eachother's arms, smiling wide at the house. 

"Welcome," Eda says, snapping her fingers, "To the Owl House!"

"Luz, are you seeing this?"

"I think so, Y/N are you?!"

we both squeal as Eda clears her throat to get our attention back on her.
"...where I hide away from the pressures of modern life." She pauses,
"Also the cops." She stops to think, "Mm, also ex-boyfriends." She shrugs. 

"This place is beautiful!" Luz says as I nod in agreement.

"Do you live here all alone?" I ask her. 

"Actually, I have a roommate." Eda says, sighing as I hear thudding footsteps approaching the room as a vicious, dark shadow looms over the hallway wall.

"Who dares intrude upon I !?" A dark, ominous voice says,

"The king of demons!"

Once again, I didn't think I would be posting a second part to such a huge milestone chapter so soon. Thank you all so much I really appreciate all of you!

Leave any requests on my mb, or this book and I'll try my best to answer them soon!

And ReMeMbEr!


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