Pengumuman (Announcement)

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Hai semuanya, apa kabar? Sehat dan selalu bahagia ya semuanya ( Dateng-dateng nanya kabar, tumben lagi baik dan waras lu thor:v) mwhehehehhe 🌚😚

Ok readers wattpad kami, sebelumnya maaf sebesar-besarnya atas keterlambatan update dan hiatus selama 2 minggu lebih, karena author Artiva alias Evna sedang sibuk dengan tugas perkuliahan dan kelas onlinenya begitupun dengan author Mrfbhrshr alias Febri sedang sibuk dengan tugas sekolah dan persiapan untuk masa pembaktian masyarakat (help kita udh gak kuat nugas:v serasa kerja rodi dan romusha yak zaman penjajahan belanda dan jepang, bedanya ini zaman milennial hiks:v🥲😭🤣🌚)

Tapi dibalik ini semua, kami sangat senang dan terharu atas antusiasme dan excitednya para readers HoP S1 maupun HoP S2 yang penasaran dengan kisah Vee dan Pandavchali. Kami selaku author mengucapkan banyak terima kasih sebesar-besarnya untuk readers setia HoP🙂❤️

Sebagai ucapan terima kasih dan permintaan maaf kami, maka hari ini kami akan up 3 chapter sekaligus hingga hari minggu mendatang. Bagaimana? Apakah ini sangatlah menguntungkan buat kita semua? Kami harap begitu.

Sekian dari kami, kurang lebih mohon maaf, terus semangat dan jangan lupa bahagia hari ini🥰🥳

Salam hangat dan peluk online





Hi everyone, how are you? Healthy and always happy, everyone (Come to ask for news, you are still good and sane, you know: v) mwhehehehhe

Ok our wattpad readers, before we apologize profusely for the late update and hiatus for more than 2 weeks, because the author Artiva aka Evna is busy with lectures and online classes as well as the author Mrfbhrshr aka Febri is busy with school work and preparations for community service (help we are not strong in the task: v feels like the work of rodi and romusha yeah the Dutch and Japanese colonial era, the difference is this is the millennial era hiks: v🥲😭🤣🌚)

But behind all this, we are very happy and touched by the enthusiasm and excitement of HoP S1 and HoP S2 readers who are curious about the story of Vee and Pandavchali. We as the author would like to say a big thank you to loyal readers HoP ❤️

As our gratitude and apology, today we will update 3 chapters at once until next Sunday. How about you all readers? Is this very profitable for all of us? We hope so.

That's all from us, more or less sorry, keep up the spirit and don't forget to be happy today🥰🥳

Warm greetings and hugs online


Sementara itu di dunia HoP... // Meanwhile in the HoP world ...

Pernah Sekaliiiiiiii (Ahey ahey) aku pergiiiii

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Pernah Sekaliiiiiiii (Ahey ahey) aku pergiiiii..... Dari Indiaaaa ke Indonesiaaaa ( Asik asik josss) mengendarai kereta malammmm let's goooooo - Rohit Bhardwaj

Jugijagijug (mainin marakas sama sulingnya sambil joget joget) - Shaheer Sheikh and Saurav Gurjar

Bentar.... Gw lupa lirik guy's - Rohit Bhardwaj

Yeeee begimana sih lead vokalnya pandawa, mengecewakan memang yak lu bang - Shaheer Sheikh and Saurav Gurjar

Dahlah lanjut lagi.... Jugijagijug Jugijagijugggggg (goyang goyang gak jelas bikin author bingung dan geleng-geleng kepala) - Rohit Bhardwaj, Shaheer Sheikh and Saurav Gurjar

English vers

Pernah Sekaliiiiiiii (Ahey ahey) aku pergiiiii..... Dari Indiaaaa ke Indonesiaaaa ( Asik asik josss) mengendarai kereta malammmm let's goooooo - Rohit Bhardwaj

Jugijagijug (playing marakas and the flute while dancing) - Shaheer Sheikh and Saurav Gurjar

Wait .... I forgot the lyrics guy's - Rohit Bhardwaj

Yeeee, how is the lead vocal pandawa, what a disappointment you are - Shaheer Sheikh and Saurav Gurjar

Go on again .... Jugijagijug Jugijagijugggggg (the shaking doesn't make the author confused and shakes his head) - Rohit Bhardwaj, Shaheer Sheikh and Saurav Gurjar

(Fans mahabharat pandawa stan pasti tau lagunya dan referensinya kemana heheheh, kangen era itu yak;v)

(Fans of the Mahabharat Pandawa stan must know where the song and its references are heheheh, miss that era; v)

House of Pandavchali - SEASON 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang