District 2 Reaping

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Angel Mason's POV:

"I don't want to be alone,"She cries,"I'm scared."
I hug my little sister, Clairy, and send her off to the 12 year old section. I watch her soft blonde hair fall into the crowd and turn back to my siblings. My youngest brother, Maximus, is not yet old enough for the games but Nolan, Stevia and Slate all stand with concerned expressions.
"I'm worried about her." Slate shrugs. Stevia nods but Nolan just turns and walks across the square.
"Don't worry, we'll be fine. I'll meet you guys back home after this is over." Before anyone says anything else I jog over to my section. I can't see Clairy from here but I pray she's okay. I don't want the peacekeepers to come for her.

District 2's escort is always so cheerful and excited because District 2 has had so many Victors. I watch the tall, slim Capitol woman step up to the mic. She has a poofy skirt on with pastel coloured stripes that cuts off just before her knees and a sleeveless, satin shirt that matches. Her hair is done up in a beehive type style that's dyed the colours of cotton candy.
"Hello District 2! I am so excited to be able to pick the honoured boys and girls here that get to participate in this year's Games. Without further ado..."
She reaches into the large, globe shaped bowl with her long, baby blue nails and pulls out a slip of paper.
"Ace Garnet!"
A boy walks out from the 18 year old section with a smirk. He's obviously been training at the academy his whole life. A Career. He gets to the platform and confidently states his name and age.
"Clairy Mason!" She calls. I didn't even see her pull another name. I whip my head around and see Clairy standing alone in her section. She has her eyes shut and she's holding the hand of the girl beside her.
"I VOLUNTEER!" Someone yells from a section behind me. I see someone run up to the platform. They have shaggy blonde hair and dark brown eyes.
"Slate...no I volunteer instead!" I run up beside Slate without even thinking.
"Angel, what do you think your doing! You'll die." He stares at me incredulously. The escort stands beside us with her hands clasped in front of her and a stiff smile on her face.
"Well...Clairy... why don't you choose who goes into the Games with you." She laughs slightly, proud about how evil she could be. Making a 12 year old go into the Games and making her pick a sibling to go with her, when they volunteered for her.
Clairy looks like she's about to cry. Slate looks desperate and Nolan just stands in the crowd below looking rather annoyed. I watch Clairy with pleading eyes.
"Clairy..."I whisper. She stands stock still and doesn't look at Slate.
"I pick Angel."

Kamilla Topaz's POV:

I roll my eyes. What a bunch of wimps. Two people volunteered for their sister and now two of them have to go in. Personally I would be happy about getting picked. I'm volunteering next anyways so it doesn't even matter but really, could they hurry up? I'm going to ask that Ace kid if he wants to make a Career alliance. I'm going to win.

Finally, the little twelve year old and her "hero" sister are standing off to the side and the escort pulls another name.
" Evan Br-" I should wait until she's finished and not interrupt but I don't care, I'm done with waiting. I've waited 18 years for this.
"I VOLUNTEER!" I scream. I run up to the platform and stare out among the crowd.
"Kamilla Topaz, 18. A.K.A YOUR NEW VICTOR."

District 2 tributes:
Ace Garnet (18)
Clairy Mason (12)
Angel Mason (14)
Kamilla Topaz (18)

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