Games-Day 4-The Final day

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Silver Hale's POV:

Hazel stifles a scream as Kamilla's cannon goes off. I grip her arm tightly to keep her from running into the clearing.

"Congratulations to the remaining 8 tributes!" The President's voice says excitedly over the arena." Seeing how you are all already in the clearing there will be no feast. But...the rest of the arena, besides the cornucopia, will be destroyed. If anyone goes past the tree line around the clearing they will not be coming back out. All 8 of you must fight this out where you are. Remember there can be 2 victors! Good luck! And may the odds be ever in your favour." The President concludes joyfully.

Hazel whimpers beside me and we both shuffle into the clearing. There isn't a very big chance I'm going to make it but I have to do this for my sister. She needs me to win. We leave our supplies on the edge of the clearing and only take a few weapons. Hazel isn't the best with her spear but we'll have to make do. We each have a main weapon, a few throwing knives and a dagger. Most of the alliances are duos. Hazel and I, Kai and Kayla, Ace and Titus and then the two solo girls. Everyone stands stock still around the edge of the trees, Ace and Titus standing in the middle. Alyssa is the first to start things off. She runs towards Titus and tackles him to the ground. This sends everyone flying at each other and the fight begins.

The President was right though. The first thing to go in the arena is the mountain. Rock slabs start the fall off the sides and it crumbles to the ground, taking all the fancy cabins with it. Next is the cliffs. They edge closer towards us until the tree line is nothing but jagged empty space. We're basically standing on a very large, snow covered pedestal. Only a few trees line the perimeter and the rest of the arena is gone.

Alyssa punches Titus in the gut but he immediate retaliates with his dagger. Alyssa is losing so far, she's already injured from Kamilla and Titus is stronger. Titus grabs Alyssa's arm and swings her towards the edge of the cliffs. Alyssa is becoming weaker and weaker and Titus is barely out of breath. He's about to push Alyssa over the edge when a spear hits him and he falls in the snow. He releases Alyssa and she stumbles through the snow towards the edge.


Hazel screams and I know why. It was her spear. Titus was one if the Careers that trapped her sister in the cabin. Alyssa has a look of triumph on her face as she teeters off the edge of the clearing.


Six left.

Someone shouts beside me. Kai. Merida has Kayla held beneath her and she's brandishing her dagger menacingly. Kai is desperately trying to free her but he is also trying to fight off Ace. We need to help them. I turn to Hazel but she's not even there. She runs towards the fight without even looking back.


She wanted this. She wanted to be with her sister. My screams echo through the cold air and I fall to my knees. It's not fair. Kiwi's gone. My mom's gone. Dad's gone. My friends are gone. All my allies are gone.I don't even know what to do anymore...

Merida Gaskarth's POV:

I think Ace and I have silently agreed for an alliance. We can take down the remaining three tributes easily. Besides, we can both become victors.I doubt he wants to share the glory with someone like Silver or Kai. Kayla squirms beneath me but I just slash her with my dagger.


I wait for a raging reaction from Kai but I hear nothing. I look behind me and see that Silver has already put him out of his misery. She's delusional and crying and she kneels on the wet ground in front of me. This'll be easy.

Ace comes and stands beside me but instead if approaching Silver with me, he turns towards me and swings his mace. He hits me, hard, and I stumble backwards. Silver suddenly runs towards Ace and jumps on his back. She pulls a dagger out of her back pocket but Ace flips her over his shoulders before she has time to use it. Silver lands stiffly on her back and lays motionless in the snow. Ace takes this opportunity to slash her with his dagger but her cannon doesn't sound. I throw my dagger towards Ace and fall to the ground, weak. I don't even have the strength to see if my dagger hit him.


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