Games-Day 2 continued...

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Silver Hale's POV

She's gone. My best friend is gone. They just came running towards us and they took her away. Angel tried to run after her and tried to think that she'd be okay, but when we heard the cannon not far from us, we knew it was over. It's just Angel and I now.

She doesn't talk to me anymore either. I know she's silently thinking how she'd rather they'd taken me instead. Anyone would. The quiet, wimpy 14 year old with the sickly sister. The girl with the black hair that's almost violet. Who cares about her...

Merida Gaskarth's POV:

I dodge another one of her attacks and step out of the way of another falling branch. The burnt branches are falling and the flaming tree is slowing starting to tip. Lynette runs at me and catches me off guard. She hits me in the jaw and I'm momentarily stunned. She takes this opportunity to use her flint and steel again and the sparks singe my coat. I run behind the tree and kick it. Hard. The bark is being reduced to ashes and it's flaky and light. Another branch falls and almost hits Lynette. She stands across from me and takes out some throwing knives. The tree has begun to set other trees alight and I need to leave. Now. My once cozy shelter is now an inferno and if I don't get up to the mountain than I'll be trapped in this burning forrest. Lynette sees what I'm doing and attempts to run out of the way but I put my hands on her shoulders and shove her onto the ground. The fiery tree seems to crumble from its own weight and it falls so fast Lynette doesn't even have time to get up.


Paisley Hunter's POV:

I don't even care if they find me anymore. They can't go after Hazel. It's not fair. I'm never going to get to tell her about this place. Never going to tell her how much she helped me and how much I'm so thankful she didn't desert me. She stayed with me even though there was a chance we would never see each other again. She didn't blame me for anything that happened while we were here and I just hope that she makes it back home and remembers that I really did love my twin sister. That I would do anything for her.

I can smell the smoke before I see it. It filters into the small room and my vision is hazy. I take my pack and shove all the supplies I can into it from off the shelves. The heat must be beneath me because I can feel it rising through the thin cracks in the floor. My eyes are watering and I can feel the smoke in my lungs which makes me cough. Something must have fallen on top of the trapdoor and it's hard to lift it up. If I lift it too far the smoke will filter out the door and the Careers will know I'm here. I can still see the broken window from Hazel's escape and I pray that she's okay. I sweat heavily through my thick winter jacket and I can't stop coughing from the wisps of smoke. In an arena made to be cold...I could die from heat...

A/N: Paisley actually wasn't supposed to make it out of the fire but.....I can't just leave Hazel out there when they still have so many things they need to say and do and they just care for each other so much I just couldn't do it... Just wanted to thank everyone that has been reading this since the beginning. It means a lot.

Changing up the sponsors a bit. Who says a sponsor gift has to be a physical object? Some character qualities are needed as well right now.


Deceased tributes:
Lynette (fire)

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