Games-Day 2

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Maya Sinders' POV:

This whole time I've just been waiting for the Gamemakers to play some trick on me. I'm sure they're going to start a fire or make an explosion that will "accidentally" dispose of me. I'm not going to win and I know they're going to do everything possible to make my life miserable in this arena. I take one last look at my friends asleep on the cave floor. I grab an empty pack and take a few shurikens and an axe. I take one thin blanket and shove everything in the pack. If the Capitol is going to kill me, I don't want them to hurt my alliance in the process. I exit the cave and cover the entrance with snow again to disguise it. I walk through the snow, covering up my footprints every few steps. The heavy snowfall will probably do that anyways but I don't want to be tracked. I trudge along the base of the mountain and along the edge of the cliffs. As I expected, as soon as I'm away from my alliance, a snow leopard mutt jumps down from the trees. The Capitol wants to see me fight first..

Alyssa Jewel's POV:

We watched what happened to some tributes in one of the cabins before and we've figured out that it's only the ones with the red doors that are toxic. We checked all the door handles and most of the cabins are safe. We've shoved thick branches across the windowpanes so that no one can break in and we've moved a large couch along the door. Our main focus at the cornucopia was to collect supplies rather than weapons so that we don't have to come out of the cabin. We got four packs in total. All our supplies have been emptied out into the dresser drawers so they're hidden from the outside. There isn't much to do trapped in here and I'm getting anxious about Titus. What if he wins? That would be the exact opposite of my plan, to prove my Dad that his son really is better than me and I'm just a lame wannabe. Lei has made it her personal mission to be the one to be the one that defeats Ace and Kai and Kayla are the ones who want stay peaceful and out of all the fights.

"I think we should split up." I say suddenly.

"What?" This catches Kayla off guard and she drops the rope she was holding.

"I agree." Adds Lei.

"You two stay here," I say, pointing to Kayla and Kai," And Lei and I go to the cornucopia."

"But the Careers are there." Kayla states.

"Exactly. We ask to join the Careers. That's what we both want. We can trick them." I say, standing up and opening the supply drawer.

"Wait..." Kayla puts here hand on my arm," We should wait until there are less tributes left. If you go out there alone there are still 16 people out there that are out to get you. Wait until there are only 10 or 12. There's strength in numbers."

I mull over the information in my head and finally have to admit she's right. I hate this. All we do is sit around while we could be taking out tributes and ending this all much quicker.

Merida Gaskarth's POV:

I awake to smell of smoke, the crackle of sparks, and the smell of burnt fabric. The blurry scene in front of me just dancing red. Gold flames surround me and thaw my frosted hands. Fire. This tree is on fire. I grab my pack and attempt to climb down the tree. The wet branches don't catch very easily and thankfully the fire doesn't spread quickly. The burnt pine needles crumbles and shower me in sparks. The flames burn my hands and they burn from the rough bark. I squint through the hot flames and notice I'm still a a few feet from the ground. When I jump off the lowest branch to the hard ground my feet burn and my legs almost give way. I only managed to grab my pack and my blanket and gloves burn in the flames. As soon as I've calmed down and collected my things a tributes saunters out from the shadows in front of me. Lynette. She holds her flint and steel menacingly towards me.

She set the tree on fire.

I grab my dagger and keep the throwing knives hidden in my pocket. I throw my pack to the ground and stand across from her. A faint cannon goes off in the distance and this sends us both into action. She runs at me and showers me in sparks and I duck out if the way.
All I can think of is my brothers and what they tried to teach me.

Sorry for the cliffhanger.
Hazel and Paisley- A pack
Careers- Food
Angel's alliance- A tent

Deceased tributes-
Maya Sinders (attacked by mutt)

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