Chapter 1 - Meeting The Boys

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This story is based off of a tv show, yes, but you do not have to watch it to understand. This is my own version, it does not follow a specific plot from the show.


Is it normal to see things with your mind? I mean, like, people I don't even know. And these are no dreams, they are way to vivid to not be real. But why did I keep having these (visions I suppose you could call them)? And why do I always see two guys and no one else. They're always on the move though. Every time I see them they're in a different place. And I saw them only minutes ago now. They just came to my town, Albion, Washington. But anyway, I had a strong feeling I would run into them sometime soon. It was a small town after all.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Hailey Marrel. I'm 14 years old; I'll turn 15 on September 27th. I was born under the sign of Libra. Now as for my looks, I'm pretty plain. Shoulder length dark brown hair, average height, not the skinniest girl around. But my eyes, I like to say are my best feature. They're a piercing green almost like a cat.  But enough about me, lets get back to the seeing things with your mind--

"Hailey! Get down here!" Marilynn called. Marilynn was my foster mother. I live in a foster home with 5 other kids. And I'm the oldest. My mother put me up for adoption shortly after she gave birth to me. She was only 16 when she had me and she knew she wouldn't be able to take care of me.

"Coming!" I made my way down stairs to the kitchen. "What?"

"I need you to run out and get some things for me." Marilynn handed me a list and made a shooing gesture.

"Alright." I knew arguing would get me no where so I didn't try it. I made my way to the gas station down the street. With every step I took closer to the building, I started to get the worst headache I've had in a while. I was across the street from the gas station when I saw an unfamiliar car parked out front. It was a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. I could have sworn I'd seen it before but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Once inside I started collecting the items on the list Marilynn gave me. I was about to grab some eggs when my head really started to hurt. I started to grimace as I clutched my aching skull. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor, that's when I started to scream. Everyone who heard my wails came running around the corner.

"What's wrong, baby?" One of the store clerks was beside me. She put her arms around me and tried to look into my face. "Call 911!" She yelled at a man in an old leather jacket. That's when it got weird; this was one of the guys I kept seeing in my head. There was another man next to him, the other man I kept seeing. This one was tall; he started walking toward where I sat on the ground.

"Don't come near me!" I shouted at him. He stopped dead in his tracks. I started to scream again from the agony he had caused me. I don't know what it was but the closer he came the more my head pounded.

"Calm down, sweetie!"  It was the clerk again. She stroked my head trying to calm me down. It didn't work. Nothing would work. As long as I was near the tall guy from my head, I would be in pain.

Finally the paramedics arrived. I didn't care where they took me as long as it was away from the gas station. They brought me to the ambulance on a stretcher and put an oxygen mask over my face. The last thing I remember was seeing the ambulance doors close, that's when I blacked out.

When I woke, I was in a room at the local hospital. I saw Marilynn and my foster siblings sitting off to the side. My head felt a whole lot better. I assumed they had given me some sort of drug since I was kind of groggy. I closed my eyes and once again I saw the images of the men from the gas station. Then I heard voices from the doorway. I looked over and sure enough, they were there. I guess they came to see how I was doing. They entered my room and immediately I prepared myself for pain but nothing happened.

"Hailey?" The tall one seemed gentle speaking softly as he was. "My name is Sam Winchester, and this is my brother, Dean." He smiled. It was a small kind of half smile, but it sill was a smile.

"Well you obviously know my name so no need to introduce myself." I leaned on one elbow as I positioned myself into a sitting position. After I was situated, Sam said something to Marilynn and she left the room with all the other kids. I was scared. I didn't know who these guys were or what they wanted. I'll find out I suppose.

"Now, I wanted to ask you a few questions. You know, about what happened earlier today."

"Well, I was getting some things for my foster mom when I got this agonizing headache. One of the worst I've ever had. And when you we're coming closer to me, it got worse."

"I see. And how often do you get headaches?" I wasn't sure if Sam was actually interested or if he just wanted to play with my thoughts.

 "Every time I, uh, see things with my mind." I have to admit I was embarrassed to be saying that.

"Like, visions?" It was Dean talking this time.

"Yeah, I guess." I hesitated a moment before I decided to say: "But, I always see the same thing in my visions. And that's you two." They both gave me a look of surprise before Sam spoke again.

"What do you mean you see us?"

"I mean, I always see you two in your car or in some motel or fighting these...creatures."

"Great. So you know our job." Dean stood up from his chair and walked to window. "And why do you see us is what I'm wondering."

"I don't know why. But, I do." Ever since I started seeing these guys, I thought about why I was seeing them for hours on end. "Maybe there's some kind of connection?"

"Do you experience any other gifts?" Sam looked into my eyes. He seemed completely serious when he said 'gifts'.

"No. I can only see you two from what I know of. Why? Are there other things that I might be able to do?"

"Maybe. That's what I'm trying to figure out." Sam stood up now. He turned away for a moment and then faced me again. "How old are you?"

"14. 15 on September 27th."

"And you said you have a foster mother, right?"

"Yes, I live in a foster home. My biological mother put me up for adoption soon after I was born."

"How long ago did your visions start?"

"About 3 months ago." Why was he asking me all this?

That was when Sam started telling me his story. About how his mother died in a nursery fire when he was 6 months old, and how after he turned 22 he started to have visions of people dieing and how they came true. And he explained their job. How he and his brother, Dean hunt demons, ghosts and all kinds of other monsters. After I knew their story, I felt like I knew them.

I took a risk. I was waiting to ask Sam something. So I did. "Can I come on the road with you?"

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