Chapter 7 - Blowouts & Tag Alongs

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The sun was just breaking the horizon when I reached the motel. My hand was shaking as I unlocked the door and pushed it open.

Dean was still sound asleep, but I couldn't see Sam.

Carefully I made my way around back to my bed, glancing at the floor where Sam should have been sleeping.

"Busted." The light flicked on and I could feel two pairs of eyes on my back.

I hung my head and turned to face the boys. I bit my lip, trying to think of an explanation. Dean started tapping his foot, hurrying along my thinking.

"I couldn't sleep." The words flowed out of my mouth like Niagara Falls. "I thought going for a walk would help, I didn't realize that I was gone for so long. I lost track of time." I looked back down at the stained beige carpet, waiting for them to blow.

"We were worried about you." Sam finally said.

"Worried about me? You don't have to worry about me, I'm just a tag along."

"No you're not." Dean stepped toward me. "We may not entirely get along, but we're responsible for you." I never thought I'd hear Dean say something like that.

"Exactly, and that means we have to make sure nothing bad happens to you." Sam searched my face for any emotion I might have been showing.

I hadn't been, until now. "Make sure nothing bad happens to me?" The look on my face could have turned them to stone. "Well you guys are doing a great job at that." Sarcasm eminent in my voice, I set my hands on my hips before continuing. "I get attacked, and you don't even kill the thing, when I'm being a zombie you can't figure out how to fix me, and now your treating me like a child!"

They stood there, their mouths half open as if they wanted to object, but they knew I was right.

I was fuming. I could feel the steam exiting through my ears like in cartoons that I used to watch. My eyes were narrowed into slits, my face red as a steamed pepper, snorting like a bull ready to charge. And I did charge, right out the door.


I pushed past people on the sidewalks, rushing around obstacles, I ran as fast I could to the spot where I had talked with Kyler only hours before.

"Kyler!" I skidded to a stop in front of the door and knocked frantically. "Kyler!" I yelled again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Someone yelled from inside. The door flew open and a long faced girl with wild hair stood in front of me. "What?" She snapped.

"Uh, I'm looking for uh, Kyler. Is she home?" I didn't want to say the wrong thing, she seemed pretty mean.

She looked me over for a moment. "Do you go to school with her or somethin'?"

I froze. What was I supposed to say? "Well, not exactly..."

"Are you like a grade behind her or whatever?" I noticed she was chomping away on a piece of gum.

She raised her eyebrow at me before looking over her shoulder. "Kyler! Some chick out here is asking for you!"

It was time for me to raise my own eyebrows. Some chick?

It only took a moment before she was at the door. "Oh, hi, Hailey." She stepped out onto the small front porch and closed the door behind her. "Sorry about my sister, she's a piece of work."

"It's fine. I just needed another escape." I sat down on the steps and put my head in my hands.

"What happened this time?" Kyler sat down next to me, stretching her legs to the ground.

"I just--ugh!" I thought back to when I had blown up not so long ago. "Sam said that he and Dean have a responsibility to take care of me and make sure nothing bad happens to me, and they suck at it." I sighed. "So I practically told them off."

I could see a frown forming on her lips, but she didn't ask questions. She let me vent it all out before she finally said something.

"I want to come with you." It took me aback. I had totally forgotten I said she could join us if she really needed to, I guess she had made her decision.

"I thought your mom needed you." I turned to her, setting my elbows on my knees.

She gazed up at the sky, scanning her eyes across the vast blueness of it all.

"My mom doesn't even live here. It's just me and my sister." I could see tears in her eyes but she choked them back.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I didn't say anything more, I didn't want to upset her.

"I'll go pack." She stood up and went inside.

"Okay--wait!" I tried to say but she had already gone in.

What were Sam and Dean going to think?

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