Chapter 17 - Prophet

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Authors Note: Okay, so I know I haven't written in this for like, a long time, but there are still people reading it and I thank them for that :) So sorry you've had to wait so long for an update, I had no idea what I was going to write for this chapter and I kept changing my mind. But I have finally decided and finished so here you go!

P.S. I promise I'll try to upload sooner!

- Liz


"A prophet!" Lazara screamed. "I said she's a prophet!" She had finally cracked.

We all looked at each other, not sure what to say next. None of us really knew what she was talking about, but some how we believed that she was telling the truth.

"What the hell is that?" The million dollar question.

Lazara spoke between puffs of breath. "It...means...she basically...has a direct...line to...Heaven." She collapsed on the ground. She didn't get back up which led us to believe that she had fainted. We didn't bother her to get back up, we just sat around and waited for dark.

The sun set behind the trees, leaving a blazing orange sky. There were clouds scattered here and there that had streaks of blue, as if they were trying to hold on to the daytime sky. I had never seen a sun set like this before, I was instantly mesmerized. I hadn't even noticed that Sam and Dean were in the process of carrying Hailey's body back up to the house.

"What are you doing?" I ran to catch up with them.

"We can't just leave her out here." Sam said. "Bobby has traps all over the house, we can let her rest in one of those."

"But," I protested. "I thought that we didn't like this demon, why would we want it in the house?"

"It can't go anywhere." Dean reassured with his silky voice. "Would it make you feel better if we monitor her?"

I bit my lip, I felt kind of pushy but I didn't want this thing getting away before it explained itself to us all. What are they planning to do with a prophet? Destroy Heaven? I shivered at the thought of Heaven and Hell fighting to the death.

Darkness fell rather quickly once we were safely back inside. The only thing I saw in the window was my perplexed expression, until it suddenly contorted into something that looked nothing like me. My eyes narrowed, and I stepped toward the black pane. I reached out to touch the surface, the face still in the window. The cool glass came in contact with my finger tips, the face disappeared at once. I stood there for a moment, wondering what I just saw.

Maybe I was just seeing things. It had been a rather long day.

We all shared a quick meal before we separated. I stole away to the guest bedroom and flopped down on the bed, exhausted. I brought my knees up to my chest, my eye lids extremely heavy. A sigh escaped my lips before the world went black.

"You think you're so great, but you're just a coward."

"Maybe I am, At least I'm not afraid to admit that."

"You wouldn't do it."

"I don't know, I love a good challenge."

I could feel the sweat running down my face, even in this deep of sleep.

"But you wouldn't accept that challenge. Not if she's valuable."

"I certainly wouldn't mind risking it."

"Risking what?"

"My torture. As long as I get to see you and those douche bags be tortured much, much more.

My body started shaking violently.

"That's Hell for you."

"It's a bitch sometimes."

"I still don't believe you'd do it."

"We'll see."

"You-wait, okay, no-stop!"

I woke up screaming just as Hailey's throat was slit.

I was moving so fast that I practically fell down the stairs. I had to see that it was only a dream, just a bad dream. I slid to a stop in front the strange circle where Hailey's body lay. I was relieved to see that she was just fine, besides having a demon inside her.

I flopped onto the floor, breathing heavily. I removed my t-shirt and sat there in shorts and a tank top, trying to cool myself down. The house was dark and looming, sort of menacing. I wanted nothing but to have my friend back.

"What will it take," I asked out loud. "to send you back where you came from?"

"A lot more than you think." I jumped at the sound of a voice behind me. Sam held out his hand, an invitation for me to stand back up. I did so and crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly feeling self concious. "We still need answers before we can exorsize her. Even then, we have to be careful that Hailey is still breathing in there."

"She could be dead?" I choked out. My throat felt like it was closing.

"If a demon is in it's host for a while, and if they do enough damage, there's a good chance they'll die." Sam informed.

"That makes me feel so much better." I lied.

"Hey," He put a hand on my shoulder. "this will be over before you know it."

"I sure hope so."

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