Chapter 9 - Time To Go

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"This is the last time I'm going over this, Dean." I stated. It was bad enough he didn't listen the first  three times. "Okay, so I'll go back in the shower, and when that thing comes I'll say, rather loudly, 'Ugh! wheres the shampoo?' And that's when you guys quickly, but quietly come in and trap the thing. Got it?"

"Okay, and how exactly do we catch the thing?" Dean was looking over the paper plan I made.

"Surprisingly enough, just a vacuum." Sam answered.

Dean raised an eyebrow. "I don't believe it." He scoffed.

"Kyler, steal a vacuum from one of the maids,"

"Got it."

"Sam, you man it when it gets here,"


"Dean, do something useful. Come on people lets get ready a catch a monster."

"All set in there?" Kyler asked through the bathroom door.

"Ready, Freddy!" I sounded cheery, but the is, I'm terrified. But I mean, who wouldn't be when they're giving themselves up as bait to a potentially harmful monster.

I adjusted the water temperature, hung a towel close by for when I needed it, and stepped in, ready to face anything.

I had been waiting for minutes, scrubbing myself just to pass the time. As I bent to scrub my legs, I saw it wriggling up the drain.

"Wheres the shampoo?" Any idiot could tell I sounded panicked. "Wheres the shampoo?" It was more of a scream that time, because it had touched me then. I heard the sound of the door opening, scraping the floor. I reached out and snatched my towel, just in time too, because the vacuum turned on.

"Don't let it get away, don't let it get away!" I was dizzy, and couldn't quite tell who said that, but I did now notice that the beast had retreated from my leg.

There was a second when everything went blank, and the vacuum had stopped making noise.


"Everything ready?" I had just woken up from a long needed nap. I rubbed my eyes and analyzed the conversation I was hearing.

"Ready for what?" I asked, feeling groggy.

"To leave." Dean answered. He heaved a bag over his shoulder and went outside.

I thought that over for a moment, last thing I remembered, I was in the shower while Sam sucked up the Menstra Unna into a vacuum.

"We're leaving?" I was so confused, I felt like I hit my head off of a rock.

"Yes, now come on, it's time to go!" Dean had come back in to grab another bag.

I swung my legs off the bed and gathered my things, glad to finally get out of here. I pulled a hoodie out of my bag and wrapped it around myself, not knowing what the weather outside was like. I looked around for Kyler, I just realized she wasn't in the room.


"She's in the car." Sam said, knowing what I was thinking. He picked up my bag and led me out of the room out to the Impala.

I didn't look back.

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