Chapter 10 - South Dakota

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"On the road again. I can't wait to get on the road again." I chorused with Dean as we drove along the Montana highway.

"Must you?" Sam asked, annoyed.

"Oh, come on, Sammy. Lighten up." Dean hushed our singing and switched the radio on to a classic rock station. When a song he recognized came on, he sang along until the end.

"He's the whole package," Kyler said through the blasting music. "He's hunky and he can sing." I rolled my eyes and bounced along with the beat.

Sam reached over and turned the knob for the volume down. The bass that had been echoing through my ears was now barely audible. Dean gave him a look but didn't bother to turn it back up.

"Hey, Bobby." Sam held his phone up to his ear.

'Bobby, I've heard that name before...' I remembered back to the day after I went on the road with Sam and Dean.

"Yeah we're on our now." On our way? On our way where?

I saw Dean glance up into the rear view mirror. He must have seen my expression.

Kyler looked over at me and mouthed "what?", I just shook my head. I had no idea where they were planning to take us, or who this Bobby guy even was.

I figured we'd find out soon enough.


A few hours later we were in South Dakota. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I'd never even heard of such a town, but I saw why; it wasn't all that big, or great to look at. All the buildings were grungy and some dilapidated to a point that made them unusable.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, my eyes scanning over everything we passed.

"This is where Bobby lives." Dean answered with a smug look on his face.

"And who is Bobby exactly?" I leaned forward, desperate for an answer.

"He's practically a father to us, better than our own, actually." I was taken aback. The way Dean told me that his father sucked was actually kind of surprising. But hey, no one's family is perfect.

"Really?" I was eager to meet him now. "Does he do the same thing you guys do?"

"When he can. He's tries not to get into too deep situations, but if he has to, he will." Sam explained.

Kyler spoke up now. "So, why does he live in such a podunk little town?"

"Its where he lived with his wife, up until she died." Dean pulled into a junkyard filled with all sorts of rusted old cars.

I had a feeling I didn't want to know what had happened to his wife, but I was curious.

"We'll tell you the story another time, cause we're here." Dean parked the Impala just as a man came outside. He was wearing a plaid shirt, dirty jeans, and a baseball cap on his head. He had a small scruffy beard that was starting to gray. Overall he looked like a nice man.

"Well, well, well, Sam and Dean." He walked over and gave them both a hug. "It's been too long."

"I agree, Bobby." Sam said.

Kyler and I hesitated in the car for a moment. We both looked at each other and then at the men standing outside. 

"Let's just go out." I suggested. I didn't plan on sitting here all day.

"What if he thinks they're like, pedophiles, or something?" I looked up at her, my fingers grasping the handle.

"I-I hadn't thought of that." I really hadn't, what if people they knew thought they were some kind of creeps?

My fingers were still wrapped around the door handle, I turned it so the door made a little click. I gently pushed it open, and stepped out into the sunlight.

The men seemed unfazed by this. I stared at them, waiting for someone to look over and introduce me. I was hoping Sam would be the first to notice me, but instead it was Bobby. When he saw me he tilted his chin up, then said something to Dean.

Dean then turned around and made a gesture for me to come over. I then saw a head pop up on the other side of the car, Kyler was just as vulnerable a I was. We made eye contact before going to stand on either side of Dean.

"Bobby, I'd like you to meet Hailey, " Dean put his arm around my shoulder. "And Kyler." He then did the same with Kyler which made her smile nice and wide.

"Nice to meet you, girls." Bobby shook both of our hands and showed us all inside. "There's a guest room upstairs if you girls wanna go on up."

"Okay." I said, following Kyler up the stairs. We were halfway up when I heard not so hushed whispers.

"Are you two tryna get yourselves thrown in jail!"

"Bobby, you don't understand, they both come from bad families. We were just trying to help." Dean was defending us? Never thought I'd hear it.

"Besides, we would never." Sam's voice was completely genuine, as it always is.

"You don't know what you've gotten yourself into, boys." I heard footsteps coming towards the stairs, panicked, I threw my bag to the top and scrambled up and around the corner. I peeked, and saw Bobby standing at the foot of the stairs. He stared for a moment then went back to Sam and Dean.

"Phew." I picked up my bag and found Kyler sitting on a bed in a room down the hall. It was plain, ivory walls, dark wood floors, white linens. It wasn't very homey.

"He doesn't like us, does he?" Kyler was staring out the one window that was on the right side of the bed.

"It's not that he doesn't like us, he's just concerned about what were doing with two older guys we barely know." It wasn't a lie, he didn't seem mad that we came, just who we came with. "I'll be right back." I left the room and went on a search for a bathroom.

I came to one at the other end of the hall. I shut the door and looked into the mirror. I was a mess. My hair needed desperate brushing, my face a good washing. I was also lacking sleep, motels always do that to me.

I turned on the sink, the water pressure was close to none. I stuck my hands under the lukewarm water and rubbed them together. It was then that I heard a sort of screeching. I looked out the window.

The last thing I knew, I was screaming as a black cloud came bursting through the window.

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