Chapter 6 - Kyler

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The wind chill bit at my nose, making me pull my hood up over my head. I didn't know how long I had been walking, and I didn't know how far I was planning on going.

I walked along the street, avoiding the occasional headlights that passed. I hadn't seen anyone else walking since I left the motel. But I knew it was late and most people were probably sleeping.

But then again it surprised me, I was in a city wasn't I? The streets were never this quiet in a city.

I heard a crack and stopped dead in my tracks. Tuning my ears to the nighttime sounds, I waited for another noise to give away whoever was following me.


I spun around. Scanning the sidewalk, I found a fence aways up the road.

"I've got you now." I said to myself. Normally I would've been terrified, but I wasn't myself.

Slowly, I sidled my way along the wall to the fence. Once I reached the edge, I heard someone cursing to themselves.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" It sounded like a female voice. "You're not so supposed to step on sticks dumb ass!" I was confused. Why were they following me in the first place?

I peeked through a crack in the fence. "Whos there?" I demanded.

It was a girl, and she jumped ten feet when she heard me. "I am." She turned around and put her hands on her hips. "Would you like to show yourself?"

"Why don't you go first? You are the one who was following me." Her expression fell, she knew I was right.

She sighed, but did as asked. A second later she was standing in front of me.

She was tall, and skinny. Her hair was dark and curly. From where she stood her eyes looked black and menacing.

"You want to tell me why your stalking me?" I stood up straighter, I still wasn't anywhere near her height.

"Look, I'm not trying to come across as creepy or anything, but I was worried about you. I saw you walk by and I wasn't sure if you were drunk or something." She didn't sound like she was lying, that's for sure.

"Why didn't you just come up to me?" I still didn't fully understand.

"I didn't know if you were dangerous. Like, you could've been a physco for all I know." She shrugged her shoulders and look down at her bare feet. I hadn't even noticed she was barefoot, no wonder she was so quiet.

I laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not." She lifted her head a little, examining me. "I'm Hailey." I stuck out my hand for her to shake.

She hesitated a moment, but eventually shook it. "Kyler."

I smiled. I had never met someone out on the streets at two in the morning. "Well, uh, thanks for checking on me." I gave a nervous chuckle. "If that's what I'm supposed to say."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Eh, no problem." She gave a little half smile. At least she was nice, she could have been some homeless freak for all I knew, but I didn't really mind. "So, what are you doing out on the streets on Helena, Montana at a time like this anyway?"

"I needed an escape." I said quickly. It was true, I needed to get some fresh air, but I felt like I was lying to her.

"From?" I looked at her. She had a serious look on her face, as if she was interrogating me.

"Just, a lots been going on lately. Fresh air always helps clear my thoughts." I continued walking, hoping she would go away.

She caught up with me within a second. "Anything you wanna talk about?" As if she cared. Besides, I wouldn't even know how to tell someone that I ran away from home, went on the road with two guys I barely even knew, and was attacked my some monster that was trying to drain me of my blood. But I decided it couldn't hurt to try.


"How does a person respond to that?" Kyler said after I was done with my tale. "How does a person live through that?"

"Let's just say, they don't always handle it well." That's all I could say. I was being cautious though, I still wasn't even entirely sure if I could trust this girl.

"You know, I've always imagined things like that happening to me, but never heard of it actually happening." Kyler stated. She had a curl wrapped around her finger and was staring at it through the dark.

"Trust me, its worse than it sounds." I crossed my legs but decided not to after I felt how uncomfortable it was against the concrete.

"So, are you yourself right now? Or are you still like, you know, dazed." She asked hesitantly.

"I feel like myself," I paused, thinking of what to say. "yet, I don't feel like myself completely. You know?"

She nodded her head. "Yeah I get what you're saying."

"Well, thanks for understanding. Most people would probably think I'm crazy."

"I'm not most people, I like crazy things." She gave a big smile and a small giggle. "How did you even get away? Like, from home."

"I'm still not sure how I even pulled it off." I remembered back to the night I fled my home town. "I just kind of picked up and left. I never reply to Marilynn or anyone else who I know doesn't care about me." I looked up into the night sky. "I only reply to my best friend, who I miss like crazy."

"I bet." She followed my gaze upward. "If I could run away, I so would."

"Why can't you?" I asked.

"My mom really needs me right now." I noticed she was chewing on her lip, probably not wanting to expose to much about herself.

"Oh." I didn't want to dwell on the subject. "But, if you change your mind, tell me."

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