Chapter 19 - I Can't Believe I'm Saying This

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My eyes snapped open at the sound of voices. I tried to turn my head, but I still had no control of my body.

"Stop that!" Lazara barked. 

Somehow I had to constantly remind myself that I was possessed. Lazara snickered at that thought.


"Haven't we gone over the whole name calling thing?" 

Doesn't make you any less of a bitch.

"True, but it still gets you nowhere." 

My head turned towards the door as Sam walked in. I became frantic. Not in a physical sense, of course. But right then I wish my face was capable of showing my emotions. I had a million questions. One of which was what they had done with Kyler.

"The hostage wants to know where the slut is." Lazara hissed. 

I hypothetically rolled my eyes. Half thanking her for asking, half regretting it.

Sam stared, clearly choosing his words carefully. "She's somewhere safe. You don't have to worry about her."

"Thanks, I won't." 

He shook his head and left the room.

They seriously better get a move on. If they don't have a plan by tonight, I just might cut the thread myself.

"So you plan on killing yourself?" The smile on Lazara's lips was truly infuriating.

It's a last resort, but if I have to I will. And if I really am "special", you would let me have my body back and we can be civilized about whatever may happen to me.

She laughed, a horrid sound that I would never make.

"I would never let that happen. It wasn't a lie when I said you're valuable. And the Boss doesn't want to lose sight of you either."

Well will you at least consider the civilized thing?

"How do I know you won't try to get away?" It was a good question, but I've been thinking about it for a while. And I decided that I would go willingly if I would be treated with respect.

She contemplated that for a moment. 

I waited for what felt like forever until she finally answered.

"Okay, fine. I'll try it. But no funny business." I had gotten used to her threatening tone, but this time I wasn''t gonna mess with her.

 Good, then we'll need a plan. 

"It shouldn't be very hard to get past these morons." 

You'd be surprised. 

"Well, then what do you suggest?"

I suggest that you find another host. And before sunrise.

"I suppose I could do that. I haven't done too much damage to your body, so you shold be fine." She said nonchalantly. 

Gee, thanks. But seriously, if we're going to do this, you have to get moving. Now.

"Yes, I understand that, thank you." Such sarcasm. "But I don't think you'll be ready by sunrise."

And why not? 

"Let's just say, you'll probably need an Alieve or two." Her biting tone had faded, and now seemed a little concerned. "You still want to do this?"

I can't believe I'm saying this, but yes, I'm ready.

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