Chapter 91

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"You'll visit soon?" Myrtle asked as Harry hurriedly gathered his belongings.

"," Harry grimaced, "bye, Myrtle."

"Bye," she giggled, disappearing into a drain.

Harry threw his cloak over his head, checked the map, secured the egg and took off down the corridor.

Instead of going back to Gryffindor Tower, Harry found his legs carrying him down into the dungeons.

Trying to get there as quickly and quietly as possible, Harry avoided passing any of the classrooms and stayed close to the walls.

He took a deep breath in as a familiar clunking echoed through the hall.

Mad-eye Moody rounded the corner and stared at Harry through his invisibility cloak.

His electric blue eye travelled down to the egg in Harry's arm and he nodded slightly before he continued to walk.

Harry looked at his map and sucked in a breath, pushing his legs to move faster.

The door to Severus's classroom creaked as Harry pushed it open.

He cringed and slowly closed it behind him.

"Shit!" Harry swore as he stubbed his toe on the desk.

Limping, he tapped his wand on the doorknob and pushed it open, revealing the entrance-way of his house.

He kicked off his shoes, ran up the staircase and stopped in front of a closed door.

"Severus!" He hollered, pounding on the wooden frame, "Severus!"

The tired face of the potions master appeared in the doorway.


"I figured it out!" Harry grinned, "I figured out the egg!"

Severus' eyes widened, "you did? What is it?"

"Well, I sort of figured it out," Harry's grin fell slightly, "I need help deciphering it."


Harry looked at him with hopeful eyes and nodded, "please?"

Severus just sighed and opened the door wider to let Harry inside.

"Ok, you're gonna have to dunk your head underwater in order to hear it," Harry declared, already in the bathroom, filling the tub.

"What did my life come to that I'm sitting on the floor of my bathroom with you of all people at three in the morning?"

Harry shrugged, "karma."

"Just get on with it, Potter," Severus huffed.

"Someone's grumpy," Harry teased, dropping the egg into the tub, "alright, dunk your head and I'll open it."

The older man stared wearily at the water before hesitantly submerging his head.

Harry opened the egg and waited, watching Severus' charcoal hair float in the water.

A couple seconds later, his head broke the surface, gasping for air.

His hair was plastered down on his forehead, dripping all over the tile floor.

"How on earth did you figure out to open it underwater?" He stared.

"Cedric told me," Harry said truthfully, "I told him about the dragons so he said it was only fair."

"You better have thanked him," Severus warned, "without him, you'd have no clue what you were getting yourself into."

"I would've figured it out!" Harry protested.

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