Chapter 68

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Class was shorter the day Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were supposed to arrive at Hogwarts.

Harry, Ron and Hermione dropped their books off at Gryffindor tower and hastily grabbed their cloaks before gathering in the Great Hall with the rest of the students as instructed.

The heads of houses were waiting and quickly inspected their respected students and ordered them into a line.

"Ms. Patil, take that ridiculous thing out of your hair, Weasley, straighten your hat," McGonagall ushered them all out into the courtyard, pulling the first years to the front.

Harry, Hermione and Ron huddled close together in the brisk, chilly breeze.

"It's nearly six," Ron checked his watch, "do you reckon they're taking the train?"

"I doubt it," Hermione snorted.

"Broomsticks?" Harry offered looking up at the darkening sky.

"Portkey? Apparation?" Ron added.

"Honestly, Ronald," Hermione rolled her eyes, "you can't apparate on Hogwarts grounds."

Ron shut up and Harry began to shiver. He hoped the schools would arrive soon so they could go inside and eat a warm feast.

Just as Harry thought he was going to die of hypothermia, Dumbledore's voice rang out from the last row.

"Aha! Unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!"

"Where!" Ron looked up in confusion, "it's too bloody dark."

"There!" A sixth year yelled, pointing up over the Forest.

Beautiful, pale-blue carriages flew over the trees, being pulled by magnificent winged-horses. Each carriage was the size of a large house, it took a dozen horses to pull each one.

The carriages came hurdling to the ground in a massive crash. Neville stumbled backwards in freight.

The horses were terrifying yet awe-striking at the same time. They were each the size of an elephant with coats of brilliant gold and fiery, red eyes.

A boy in silky blue robes jumped down from the carriage, fumbled with something for a moment and steps of gold emerged by the doors.

Out of the leading carriage, a woman, larger than any Harry had ever seen stepped out in massive black heels and a decorative fur scarf wrapped around her shoulders.

Dumbledore began to clap and the rest of the students followed his lead. The woman's face broke out into a smile, she extended a hand and Dumbledore bent slightly to kiss it.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, my dear Madam Maxine," Dumbledore smiled.

"Dumbly-dorr," said Madam Maxine in a thick, French accent, "I 'ope I find you well?"

"In excellent form, thank you," said Dumbledore.

"My pupils," said Madam Maxine, waving a enormous hand carelessly behind her.

A dozen or so students all dressed in the same, pale blue silky robes were standing behind Madam Maxine. A few shivering and wrapping shawls tightly around their frames.

"Has Karkaroff arrived yet?" Madam Maxine asked.

"He should be here any moment," Dumbledore said, "would you like him to wait here and greet him or step inside the castle and warm up?"

"Warm up, I think," Madam Maxine nodded, "but ze horses..."

"Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher will be delighted to take care of them," Dumbledore said pleasantly.

Harry grinned, Hagrid would be over the moon to care for such creatures.

"My steeds require forceful handling," Madam Maxine looked hesitant, "Zey are very strong."

Ron snorted, "Hagrid could take down a building if he tried. Those horses will be as heavy as a quill to him."

With the excitement gone, the Hogwarts students were reminded of the cold once again as they waited for the Durmstrang students to arrive.

Everyone's eyes were trained on the sky, waiting for the Bulgarian school to make an appearance.

"Do you hear that?" Hermione's nose twitched.

Harry listened and was able to hear an eerie, rumbling noise resounding through the courtyard.

"The lake!" Ron gasped and pointed.

"Look at the lake!" Lee Jordan shouted from behind the trio.

The smooth, black surface of the lake was disturbed as something emerged from its depths.

"It's a... mast?" Ron squinted his eyes trying to make out the imagine in front of him.

A marvelous ship appeared in the dark water and the Hogwarts students gasped.

As the ship drew closer, people were visible on the deck. They were cloaked in vibrant blood red, and black furs.

"Dumbledore!" A man called heartily, "how are you my dear fellow? How are you?"

"Blooming, thank you, Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore said in response.

Harry tried to listen to Dumbledore's discussion with Karkaroff but the breeze picked up and he found himself edging closer to Hermione instead.

"Harry!" Ron hissed, elbowing his best friend in the ribcage, "It's Krum!"

"What?!" Harry's gaze followed Ron's.

Viktor Krum stood behind Karkaroff.

"I don't believe it," Ron gaped, "it's actually him! Do you think I can get his autograph?"

"For heaven's sake, Ron! He's only a Quidditch player!" Hermione huffed.

"Only a Quidditch player?!" Ron looked offended, "are you mad? Hermione he's one of the best seekers in the world."

"I'm surprised he's still in school," Harry commented.

They had begun to walk back towards the castle and Harry couldn't wait to be out of the cold.

"Did you see him?!" Blaise slid into step besides Hermione.

"Who?" Hermione asked.

"Viktor Krum of course," Pansy jumped excitedly, "I don't have anything for him to sign! Or anything for him to sigh with! Well... except for this," she pulled a dark purple lipstick out of her robes, "do you think he'll sign my bra?"

"Pansy..." Draco shook his head, "just no..."

"What?" Pansy spat, "Hermione thinks it's a good idea, don't you, Granger?"

"No," Hermione said, trying to hold in a laugh.

"What about you Weaselbee?" Pansy turned to Ron.

"Me?" Ron's face turned crimson, "do I think it's a good idea to ask Viktor Krum to sign your bra thingy?"

"Yeah," Pansy huffed, "it's grey, I'm pretty sure the purple would show up."

"Well it would be a very... forward statement," Blaise said, "I say you go for it."

"Hold on," Hermione held up her arms, "you want him to sign it when you're wearing it?!"

"No, Granger, I'm going to take it off in front of the entire school," Pansy said sarcastically, "I'm going to do it, I'll be right back."

The group stared in shock as she walked away from them and towards the Bulgarian Quidditch player.


Pansy was one of the last students inside the Great Hall.

"Did you do it?" Theo whispered in a hushed tone.

Pansy smirked at him, stealing a buttered roll from Draco's plate.

"Did you?" Blaise's eyes widened.

In a swift movement Pansy pulled her black hair behind her shoulders and revealed a purple smudge on her white blouse.

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