Chapter 58

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"Have you seen my hat?" Harry asked, looking underneath the beds.

"No, while you're down there, see if you can find my sweater."

"I don't see it," Harry pushed himself onto his feet, he looked around the room and groaned, it was an utter mess. "Why're we like this?" He turned to the blond.

"I don't know," Draco shook his head, Remus and Sirius would be by to pick them up in a few hours and their trunks were yet to be packed.

Their belongings were scattered around the floor of their bedroom.

"Does it even matter if our trunks are packed neatly?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, remember what happened last year at the feast," Draco answered.

Harry cringed, somehow he and Draco had ended up with the others tie in the middle of the Great Hall.

"Fine, we'll pack it neatly then," Harry declared.

They ran around the room, grabbing items of clothing that looked like their own and shoved them into their trunks.

"I've never been to an actual Quidditch match before," Harry said, taking his new textbooks off his desk.

"Really?" Draco looked at him, "they're very entertaining, much more advanced than the Hogwarts matches."

"I would assume," Harry said, "Hey, do you reckon we can find a way to pack the Telly?"

"I've tried," Draco huffed, "it doesn't work on muggle grounds."

"Bummer," Harry frowned, "Hogwarts should really update its technology. I hate lighting lanterns, it's so inconvenient."

"You should talk to Dumbledore about using electricity," Draco said, "you're his favorite."


"Bye, Severus!" Harry said, pulling his trunk down the staircase.

"We'll see you at school," Draco said, standing in between Sirius and Remus.

"Behave yourselves now," Severus said.

"We will," Harry said, "you'll bring Hedwig and Lilious to school?"

"Yes," Snape nodded, "I will watch them until the term begins."

"Thank you," Draco said.

"Are you sure you don't want to come, Severus?" Remus rose his eyebrow.

"Quite," Snape drawled, "I was never a fan of Quidditch."

"Ok," Remus smiled, "come on, boys, we must be heading out, Arthur left hours ago. Goodbye, Severus."

"By, Sevvy!" Sirius waved.

With a flick of his wand, Remus shrunk Harry and Draco's trunks and stuck them in his pocket.

"The port key should activate any minute now," Remus held up a rusty-looking bicycle handle.

"Grab on," Sirius gripped the portkey, gesturing for the boys to do the same.

Draco's fingers had just closed around the handlebar when the portkey gave a terrible jolt. Draco's feet left the solid ground and Harry's and Remus's shoulders hustler against him.

They were speeding forward in a blur of colors, Draco's stomach churned, he felt as if he was going to be sick. His surroundings came into better focus as they slowed down, his legs forcefully slammed into solid ground.

Harry stumbled into him, knocking them both to the ground.

Remus helped the both of them up, Sirius was rubbing his forehead where the bicycle handle had fallen, yelping in pain.

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