Chapter 102

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"This is Hell." Draco grumbled, "most literally Hell."

"Oh, shove it, will you?" Harry glared.

"Stop it," Snape snapped.

"Just admit that we're lost." Draco crossed his arms.

"We're not lost!" Sirius said.

"We are most definitely lost," Remus argued.

"The map says North," Severus said, "we're going North."

"We've passed this rock four times in the last hour!" Harry said, "I even left my shoelace, see?"

He walked over to the rock and picked up a white shoelace.

"Harry?" Severus looked at him, "why would you leave your shoelace on a rock?"

"To prove we're going in circles!" Harry threw his hands up, exasperated.

"And you did that." Remus said, "but what if we weren't? Then you'd just be missing a shoelace."

"Better my shoelace than my hat." Harry said.

"Yes, but then you'd have to hike all the way back down this mountain with only one shoelace," Draco said.

"Well I didn't loose my shoelace." Harry said shortly, "it's right here. But my point is that we're definitely lost."

"It's been hours," Draco moaned, "can't we send up a flare or something?"

"Brilliant idea Draco," Sirius drawled, "do you happen to have one up your arse?"

"Sirius Black!" Severus snapped. "Watch your mouth, not around the boys!"

"Oh, don't be such a prude," Sirius rolled his eyes, "they're teenagers, I can assure you they've heard words worse than arse— and if I remember correctly, your vocabulary from school isn't anything to brag about."

"Watch it Black." Snape seethed.

"Or what? Snivellus?" Sirius challenged.

"Don't dare tell me how to parent my kids!" Snape yelled.

"Your kids?" Sirius scoffed, "they're not your kids, we have just as big as a role raising the boys that you do."

"Can we just get off this fucking mountain before we start killing eachother!" Remus yelled.

"He started it!" Snape and Sirius shouted, pointing at each other.

"We're never getting back," Draco groaned, sitting down next to Harry on a rock.

"Definitely not by ourselves," Harry groaned.

He was right of course, well after sunset, they were found by the park ranger who escorted them back to the trail that led down the mountain.

"I don't understand why we didn't just apparate," Draco groaned as they got back to the hotel room.

"Too risky in front of the muggles," Snape said for the millionth time.

"I just want sleep." Harry said, flinging himself onto the freshly made white sheets.

"Harry Potter!" Draco shrieked, "you're all dirty! Get up! Get up!"

"What?" Harry groaned as Draco began smacking him with his Fanny pack.

"You're going to get the bed all dirty," he complained, "we actually have to sleep there."

"You're so bloody annoying and I hate you." Harry glared, standing up, "I'm going to take a shower."

Tensions had not been lifted by breakfast the next day and it was painfully clear as they all sat in silence, the only sound being the scraping of their silverware on their plates.

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