🌿❧backstory of the roomies☙🌿

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Clay and Stella met in a high school science class at age 16 during Sophomore year.

Their teacher paired them together. They bonded over the fact they hated the teacher, then they started talking to each other. They would take lunches and ditch classes together, they grew very close. 

Stella didn't really have anyone to talk to because she had no siblings and hardly any friends(, besides Ruth.) But she would always talk to her grandmother, then she passed away. After that, Stella became very depressed and had no motivation, but those god damn books. She always had her nose in one.

Clay, on the other hand, was always talkative and made friends easily. He had a pure charm.
He was enthusiastic about technology. Clay was intelligent but he didn't care for school.
His parents were hard on him for the bad grades, so he tried to fix them, becoming obsessive.
You can thank his parents for his "try hard" trait.

When they turned 21 they decided to buy a two-bedroom house together. They had been living in it for almost 3 months now. They were getting used to each other's constant company.

Stella had to put up with the loud streams, and Clay had to put up with her need of attention. That need sometimes ended up with Stella messing with Clay and his friends.

His friends liked Stella though, they thought she was funny. The little antics she would pull made them laugh.

They had never seen her face, so they had been nagging her for a picture. She declined, standing her ground. Her reason was if someone recognized her while she was out with Clay, it would ruin his privacy. However, she did post on Instagram, her outfits. She enjoyed fashion, she wanted to be a fashion designer but she gave up on that dream. She was a bit lazy, she didn't like the part where you actually have to do work.

Recently Stella had been having dreams about her grandmother. It really made her upset, it also worried Clay. He had known the pain she went through took a toll on her, he didn't want her to relapse into her depression.

Clay was very caring in that way, he didn't want anything bad happening to the ones he loves. He loved Stella, as a friend. Just like how he loves Nick and George. But all his fans mistook his love for the three of them as an actual romantic interest.

The only one he might've been remotely interested in was Stella. She was a girl, and he was straight. The kinda straight that soaked their dishes instead of just washing it, cAuSe wE aLl knOw thAt soAkiNg It HeLps.

Stella didn't actually believe in "falling in love." The one time she did, everything fell apart. Also when her parents divorced she never thought about it the same. Her mindset was set on "Don't fall in love, it always ends in disappointment." Most people found that ridiculous, like Clay. He thought it was stupid of her to think like that, and he made that VERY clear to her. So she usually kept her mouth shut about it.

Clay used to have a crush on her. She too, but she never admitted to it. Lately, Clay had been feeling those feeling again. He didn't know how to express it without coming off as cocky and rude or just flirty.

They had an odd relationship. Not like normal best friends, they were quite mean to each other and roughhoused a lot. All jokes though. Other people didn't see that though. But they didn't really care.

George and Nick would tease them about this though. Nick was set on making Clay mad when Stella was around, and George would flirt with Stella. Clay didn't understand the point or even what was so funny. The funny part to me is that Stella actually had a crush on George because of this. She told Clay and he got really jealous. He soon got over it when he realized it was just a short-termed thing.

🌿🌞☁️🌿🌞☁️🌿🌞plz vote ☁️🌿🌞☁️🌿🌞☁️


I hope you like this backstory. I gave a lot of thought into it. 
I also debated adding Sam to a plot but that's a sensitive subject.
But it would've been not a big plot.

see you in the next chapter...

see you in the next chapter

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