🔥❧netherite is the way to go☙🔥

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(recommended song- on the playlist)

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(recommended song- on the playlist)


❀3rd person pov❀

Clay and Stella both moved a lot when they slept so for them to sleep in the same made to some interesting positions. But when they woke up Clay's foot was on her chest her hand was on his ass.

Stella retracted her hand and sat up. She rubbed her eyes awake and then walked over to her bathroom. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. She hopped in the shower and cleaned herself. Then she dried off and did her makeup. She dressed in a silk white dress, a beige cardigan, and jewelry.

She walked back into his room and noticed Clay on his phone. He looked up over to her and studied her outfit. She was really, truly, beautiful. He smiled and got up from the bed. He pulled her waist in for a hug. He rocked back and forth and then unlatched.

C: So I have some work to on the smp today. Are you going to be able to join?

S: I can!

She followed after Clay. He was walking into the kitchen to feed Patches. Patches was being very talkative and loud when Clay did this. Stella picked her up and shushed her. Once Clay finished she placed the cat back down.

Clay ended up making toaster strudels for the pair. Then they separated and went to their rooms. She received a discord call from him. She answered as soon as she could.

C: Hi Stell.

S: Hi!


K: Hi!

G: Ello.

S: Oh god.

N: Shut up, you love us.

S: Only George and Karl. The rest of you can suck my d-


S: OH! Sorry Tommy I didn't know you were here! Obviously you too. But not in a weird way.

T: Thank you. Hear that BOYS! I GOT WOMEN!

K: And cooties.

G: And you are adopted.


S: Be nice to big T!

G: No!

S: Clay make them stop, please.

C: Uh... guys stop?

G: Okay!

S: I feel hate crimed.

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