🌹❧rosy cheeks☙🌹

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⚠️‼️(CW//// SMUT SMUT SMUT!!!)‼️⚠️

(recommended song- on the playlist)

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(recommended song- on the playlist)


After the stream ended Stella left her room to go see Clay. He was felt practically alone for 3 hours just so they could have fun. He was a good sport though.

He was on the couch laying on all three cushions. His right leg was bent and his left leg was straight with his foot off the end of the armrest. He had one hand under his head -unintentionally making his bicep look big- and the other was on his phone scrolling.

The fairest way to put how it looked is... hot.

Stella walked over to Clay and he made room for her to just barely lay next to him. She was really holding on for dear life but didn't let him know that.

(a/n: 1 in chat if this has happened to you... I was on the couch with my mom and there was barely any room. She was on the inside so that means I was on the edge. Now it was super awkward because she was showing me something but I was falling off, and I couldn't put my legs down or I would fall. So I was just there, stiff as a cumsock, and shaking a bit. I hated that so much.)

Soon she fixed herself and found a better spot. She sat where his legs were, now they were just on top of her. She picked at the fabric in his joggers and waited for the others to come into the living room.

Clay looked up from his phone up to her bored face.

C: Are you bored?

S: A bit. Why?

C: No reason...

S: Shore, sshhhhooorreee.

C: I was going to ask something, but it's the wrong place and time.

Clay lifted his hips up a bit and resituated his back so it didn't hurt. But in doing that Stella saw a bulge that was pressing against his joggers. (DOWN HORRENDOUSLY BAD) Her face felt warm and looked rosy. Clay noticed and decided to tease her about it.

C: Are you red? Hmm?

S: No, what?

Stella's eyes widened because she wasn't expecting that.

C: Oh come on now. I can see your face.

Clay tilted his head. Soon after he got up from his sit to crawl (that sounds bad) over to Stella. She was very red now. He grabbed her chin and turned her face to him. Then he placed sloppy kisses on her lips. He grabbed her hair and ran his fingers through it.

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