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(recommended song- on the playlist)

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(recommended song- on the playlist)


The next day Stella called Wilbur back on discord.

W: Hello Stella!

S: Hi Wil! I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner...How are you!

W: I'm great. Hope you are doing good.

S: Alls well over here.

W: That's lovely. So about our talk, uh, can I speak to Clay?

S: Yeah let me get him.

She called for the 6'3 toddler. He came running in like a golden retriever.

S: It's Wil.

C: Oh okay.

She handed him the phone and then Wilbur talked to Clay.

W: So can you let Stella on the smp?

C: Why?

W: Well... I can't say.

C: Uh, that's a bit worrying. But I mean I can.

W: LOVELY! See I knew I could talk some sense into your one million IQ brain.

C: Yeah yeah, okay no need to butter me up. Lemme go whitelist her.

Clay walked into his room and turned his computer on, the pc whined as it booted up. He found his way to Minecraft and logged into the smp. He typed /Whitelist SaltyBrown. And it was done. She was now a member of the smp.

W: Alright well can I talk to her.

C: Uh, sure.

Clay was very suspicious of Wilbur, he seemed up to no good. He walked back out of his bedroom and handed Stella her phone.

W: Right then, Stella if you would be so kind and go to the smp. I sent you the IP.

S: Alright alright alright.

She mimicked Matthew McConaughey. Then she ran off to her room and logged into the smp.

W: Welcome to the smp.

W: Welcome to the smp

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