👮🏻‍♂️❧paul blart☙👮🏻‍♂️

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(recommended song- on the playlist)

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(recommended song- on the playlist)


Stella sat on the sofa waiting for Clay to come out of the bathroom. He had just packed and was getting ready to leave for South Carolina. Stella was a bit nervous but made plans to occupy herself. She made plans to stream with Nick and Tommy.

Clay walked out of the restroom and threw his arms up.


Stella did so as well.


She got up and ran over to him into a hug.

S: I'm going to miss you.

C: Pfft. I won't miss you. I'll miss Patches though.

Stella broke the hug and attempted to walk away but he grabbed her arm. He twirled her back into his arms. He smiled into a kiss. She "reluctantly" kissed back. She was trying to be difficult.

C: Oh come on.

S: No... I hate you.

She squinted at him and made a fist. Stella shook it at his face but he grabbed it. His hand engulfed her entire fist.

C: If you hated me you wouldn't have came twice!

He chuckled.

S: Shut up, that never happened.

C: Oh okay, so if it never happened then what did happen in the shower.

Stella was just about to sock him. But instead she also most kneed him in the crotch as a warning. He didn't flinch though. He bent his face down to her and smirked while talking.

C: Uh uh uh~

He tsked.

C: Don't do that.

Stella pushed his face so he would move.

S: You can leave now, thank you for making me not miss you.

Clay wheezed. He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her into his chest for a hug. She gave in and wrapped her arms around him as well.

C: Say you love me.

(a/n: say you hate me- gogs)

S: I love you.

C: Okay, thank you.

He unlatched from the hug and went to get his suitcase. He came back with it and strolled around to the door.

C: Well, I'll be departing.

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