🏙❧good life☙🏙

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(recommended song- on the playlist)


After the whole arcade thing, Clay had officially spent around 200 dollars in repair. He got over it but for a couple of hours, he was pissed at Nick. Stella just thought the whole thing was hilarious. She could not believe that Nick had done that. Alex and her kept making jokes that pissed off both Clay and Nick.

George and Karl on the other hand were busy playing Smash Bros. Karl was losing to George over and over. He was getting agitated with George because he wouldn't stop edge guarding and wouldn't homie stock if Karl accidentally fell off in the very beginning. Nick was arguing for Karl, he thought it was a dick move on George's part.

It was around 10:30 and Stella was super tired from the eventful day. She went to bed in Clay's room. Clay soon after joined her. They cuddled in bed. She had let the boys sleep in her room. They had her king-size bed and a blowup queen. Alex and Nick shared the king while George and Karl shared the blowup.


It was now day two of their visit. Clay had planned for everyone to go downtown, Winter Park. Everyone was on board.

When Stella got up she went to the bathroom and took a shower. She washed off all the salt that was in her hair from the other day. Then she dried off and brushed her teeth. Then did her makeup. It was very simple. Just eyeliner and her eyebrows.

She left the bathroom and snuck into her room to grab some clothes. (Before the comments ask, she has her towel on.) She left the room to change. When she did she put on a white turtle neck short-sleeved sweater and a brown overcoat. Then she wore some tan slacks. Her fit worked very well together.

By the time she was done dressing everyone was up. Stella walked out into the living room and found them all eating cereal and English muffins. Clay must've made the muffins.

When Clay's eyes landed on Stella his face instantly lit up. She smiled back and walked over to the bar and sat on a stool next to Alex. Alex swiveled in his chair to greet her.

(a/n: please let me know if my Spanish is correct! thank you!(I'm using google translate.))

Q: Buenos días hermosa dama. (Good morning beautiful lady.)

S: ¿Cómo estás haciendo esta buena mañana? (How are you doing this good morning?)

Q: Va bien. (It is going well.)

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