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third person.

"i swear if she says one thing i will throw hands" arianna huffed.

"yes ari i'm aware, you said it the whole way here" corbyn shook his head as he knocked on the door of the seavey house.

the two were just arriving at daniel's house so that they could all hang out, and the girls could meet ellie like they planned.

arianna wasn't so keen on the idea after what ellie had said in the group chat prior to but corbyn convinced her to give the girl a chance to redeem herself.

even though arianna had agreed to do so, she still complained about having to see her and warned the boy of what would happen if ellie was to start anything again. soon the front door swung open revealing a very smiley seavey boy at the front.

"hello my lovely friends come on in, everyone is already here" daniel said.

the pair narrowed their eyes at him before looking at the red solo cup in his hand instantly giving them an answer.

"so it is only one o'clock and you're already drunk? without me?" arianna questioned.

"what?" daniel furrowed his eyebrows. "i'm not drunk, franny brought me apple juice"

"oh wait that makes a lot of sense" corbyn nodded. "since it's franny and apple juice, he's bound to be all happy go lucky"

"shut up corbyn" daniel rolled his eyes.

"speaking of my wife, where is she?" arianna asked as daniel pointed to the kitchen causing the girl to immediately sprint that way.

"HONEY IM HOME" the girl yelled as she tackled franny engulfing her in a hug.

"oh shit!" franny shouted caught off guard by the hug but soon returning it when she realized who it was. "aw hi babes"

"the fact that you saw me first but didn't even hug me hurts" daniel pouted as both he and corbyn entered the kitchen.

"whoops my bad dani" arianna said releasing from franny and giving the older boy a hug.

"oh my god the love of my life is finally here!" paislee yelled running towards arianna.

"hi my love" arianna said hugging the younger girl, but soon they both stumbled back when darcy jumped into the hug. "oh shit"

"i love you and i missed you" darcy sung.

"darcy, baby, we said no singing for you because you're bad at it" arianna laughed.

darcy rolled her eyes, "you suck"

"um hello? your best friend is waiting for his hug" zach said with open arms.

"i already got my hug zach, but thanks for looking out" daniel smiled.

"not you stupid, i'm talking about me" zach stuck out his tongue before embracing arianna in a hug.

arianna had a good relationship with all of the boys but she and zach were basically two peas in a pod. they had this brother- sister friendship going for them since they met.

they tell each other everything which corbyn hates because zach knows all of his secrets. he respects their relationship though and fathers that than arianna and the boys not getting along at all.

"okay so basically you look stupid please take of the hat" arianna told the younger boy.

"see now i knew it looked bad but ryan told me it didn't" zach sighed taking it off.

"i want you to say that sentence slowly and figure out what went wrong there" arianna tilted her head towards him.

zach furrowed his eyebrows, "ryan told me...ohhh damnit"

"there we go!" jack cheered. "he has a brain people!"

"no because when i punch you...then what?"

"then i punch you back the fuck?"

"y'all are such children" jonah shook his head as he entered the kitchen with ellie.

"oh did you finish your part in there?" daniel asked the two of them.

"yeah it only took ten tries but we figured out the chorus" ellie told him before looking at arianna and corbyn who were too immersed in their own conversation to notice she walked in.

"corbyn, ari when did y'all get here?" jonah asked before walking to them.

"just about five minutes ago" corbyn shrugged.

"hi corbs, hi arianna" ellie smiled and waved at the two as she walked up to them.

"hey ellie" corbyn said.

"hi it's nice to finally meet you" arianna returned the smile.

"yeah" ellie nodded before turning right to corbyn. "corbs i wanted to show you the chorus we came up with for the song"

corbyn looked between arianna and ellie. "oh um maybe later i mean we just got here so"

"come on it'll only take a second" ellie pleaded.

corbyn looked at his girlfriend who nodded with a small smile on her face. "okay let's go"

elllie rejoiced and grabbed corbyn's hand interlocking their fingers and walked him out to the studio.

"i'm sorry but when was just anyone allowed to call him corbs" darcy said moving over to arianna as paislee and franny did the same.

the rest of the boys moved to the living room to talk about whatever leaving the girls in the kitchen, and corbyn and ellie alone together.

"they aren't, not usually at least" arianna said. "but maybe they just grew close"

"wouldn't you know about it, if they just miraculously became besties" paislee mentioned.

"and after what happened in the group chat i doubt they're just best friends" darcy voiced.

"oh daniel told me about that, she had no place to make comments on your relationship" franny folded her arms.

"so even the boys picked it up? damn she's not even subtle with it" arianna shook her head.

"she just gives off such a bad vibe" franny sighed. "but i don't think corbyn would ever feed into something like that"

"especially if it bothered you" paislee added. "he loves you and never wants anyone you find bothersome around"

"yeah i know, i'm just going to give her a chance though"

"why?" darcy asked.

"because one text conversation that turned out bad isn't worth it" arianna explained. "and she apologized so i'm forgiving her"

"you're too nice" darcy raised her eyebrows. "i would've decked her the minute i saw her"

"when i saw her interlock their hands just now i almost did" arianna told them as she poured herself some apple juice. "don't tell daniel but i'm drinking some of this"

"don't worry ari my lips are in fact sealed" franny laughed.


next chapter is a rollercoaster so get ready yall
bye loves <3

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