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The fair was exciting in more ways than one. Kyle for instance was among the best dancers there, earning fame and several contacts on his arms and his pure muscle toned belly. Dinah made a new friend, whom Sheila later found behind one of the tents, making out with her sister. It was a sight she would strive to erase from her mind forever.

Dale finally got a new toy sword which Kyle won in a game. It was a mistake for Kyle to give it to Dale, since now the peace of their house would be tarnished. They would be looking past every corner and behind their backs every now and then, praying Dale was not going to pounce on them from his hiding place, bashing them severally on the back with his 'lethal' weapon.

Sheila? She finally got over her fear of roller coasters. She also won two games and made friends with another girl her age called Samantha. The idea of talking to a stranger itself seemed unlikely but her parents saw it for themselves. Sheila was the most determined to have fun and enjoy herself. "She's growing up Dan," said Anita, "Our little girl is growing up."

Daniel looked towards where his five children were seated. They were talking as they ate their lunch, cracking jokes and telling each other experiences in the fair. Lily was eating from Kyle's plate, seated on his lap. She slammed his plate with her hands, tossing the food everywhere. They yelped but could not avoid the nutritious shrapnel flying towards them.

"Lily?" they ended up laughing together, Lily joining in while clapping her hands. The sight sent a warm, fuzzy feeling into the hearts of their parents, who smiled gleefully for all it was worth. "You got that one, right?" asked Anita. Daniel held out his camera and winked at her, "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Soon, the fun ended, along with the day. The Cruz family had to go back to their house. The sun was barely just setting when they got back. Adventure for them though only ended when they died, and even then there was another life to explore in the netherworld. Dinah had told Kyle that Sheila said she saw something come out of the cabin, so big brother Kyle suggested that they go have a look.

None of the others knew of their plans. Why would they? Besides, this sounded more of a teenager's job. The two headed to the cabin a little while after arrival. Inside was basically the same as they had left it... but the cabin was fairly large, so they perused through the tools, underneath old wheelbarrows and inside rotting barrels. All they were able to uncover was the army of roaches that had earlier eluded them and a big grey rat. It was feisty, the rat; put up a good fight against them and died, a martyr in the eyes of its family which probably watched through a chink in the walls.

"I guess there really IS nothing here. I don't get it though, she looked really scared last night." Dinah's concerned voice made Kyle feel sorry for them. "If it helps, you could leave the light on in your room" Dinah glowered at him momentarily. "She's not afraid of the dark Kyle... at least she didn't use to be." They sighed and stood there, thinking of what to do next.


They both jumped in shock and exchanged glances. "Kyle... please tell me that was all in my head." "In BOTH of our heads? I doubt it." It was a soft feminine voice, almost a whisper, but it was audible enough to hear. They scanned the cabin and their eyes landed on the one thing, they realized, they had left out: the chest.

Drawing closer to it, they examined it. It was as they had left it, the white ghost bending on one side now where it was loosely attached to the spring. A thought came into their minds: they had OPENED the chest, that bit was true, but had they taken time to examine its contents?

Dinah rummaged the inside of the chest; apart from a lot of torn cloth and paper, she discovered three keys inside. "Okay... what're these supposed to do?" "I don't know." Kyle examined the outside of the chest, even the area around it, noticing for the first time that the platform the chest was on... had hinges. "Hmm..." the chest was light in his arms, but made a loud thump as he dumped it aside. His suspicions were proven right. Underneath the chest was a metallic trap door.

It was a rusty old metal, the Star of David encrusted upon it, among other markings. "It's a warning, in ancient Celtic runes," said Dinah. Kyle wasn't surprised; she had been studying ancient languages since she was twelve years old. "So what does it say?" Dinah moved closer and studied the markings, "'For her sins, she was put to death. For her evil, her soul has been incarcerated in her own hell. Let therefore no being alive let this evil strive once more. For the Belledame is a being from hell, the daughter of the devil.' What the heck could this mean?"

Kyle shrugged, "I don't know, but it's giving me the creeps. Let's get out of here, I bet dinner's almost ready." He gave her a pat on the shoulder and walked out of the cabin. She turned to follow, when she heard a soft whisper behind her.


She turned and gasped on seeing a mist coming from the trap door. It was like a magnet, pulling her closer. She suddenly remembered that she had all three ginormous keys, so why not open the trap door? Her hands reached out, coming into contact with the mist... with the door. "SO CLOSE DINAH!" Now loud and clear. All it took now... was three turns of her wrist.

"Dinah? You coming or what?"

Kyle's voice snapped her out of whatever hypnotic trance she was in. "Coming." She tucked the keys in her jacket pocket and rushed out of the cabin.

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