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"... that's when I fell over." Hazel and Chris had listened keenly to Sheila as she told them how she almost died that day. "No one was around those parts Sheila," said Chris. "I know that now. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me or something... I don't know; but I swear I got a response every time I said Clap." She hugged her knees as she stared into the fire that was lit. The others were all having hearty conversations amongst each other in their tents.

"What do you think it was?" asked Ms. Hazel. Sheila debated with herself about telling them. "You wouldn't believe me anyway." "Try us." Chris put his hand on her shoulder to reassure her. It worked.

"Well okay. Last night, I had gotten out of my tent to uh... get some... air, then this– this creature thingy started coming toward me. It wasn't an animal, neither was it human... but I scared it away–" "How do you know it's neither?" asked Hazel. Sheila maintained eye contact with her briefly before showing her the amulet attached to the small chain she used to put around her neck.

"I scared it with this. When it was getting closer, the amulet glowed. I saw it. It looked like it had the body of a man, but it had horns, fangs... and it didn't quite look– solid. It looked... kinda like a shadow." They were all silent for a while, everyone trying to understand what she just said, including herself.

"Let me hold on to that for a while Sheila, I want to examine it–"

"I don't think that's a good idea Ms. Hazel," she interjected courteously, "I'm safer with it."

"But what if the only reason that thing is after you is because of the amulet? Let me hold on to it for tonight, okay?" asked Ms. Hazel. It sounded right, but all of Sheila's insides rejected that logic of explanation. "I don't know..." "Trust me Sheila, I'll keep an eye on it; I'll have it back to you before you know it." It was pointless trying to argue with her about it. Besides, she trusted Ms. Hazel as if she were her mother. She agreed, handing the amulet over. They retired to bed soon. Everyone had slept... except Sheila.

'But of course I can't sleep,' she thought to herself, 'something bad is outside, probably waiting for any chance to take me out. How did she expect me to sleep? I can't face it alone, I'm only nine–' a shuffling of feet outside her tent snapped her out of her thoughts. Her heart started pounding hard in her chest as the presence drew closer. "Sheila? Are you awake?" it asked. She blew out a long breath. It was Ms. Hazel. "Yea I am, you can come in." "I actually need you out here. Could you come? There's something I need to show you."

Sheila obeyed, putting on a jacket and getting out to join Ms. Hazel. She was standing next to the heap of ashes that was once their campfire, doing nothing in particular. "What is it Ms. Hazel?" "Did you bring the amulet with you?" she asked. Sheila stopped in her tracks, "I thought you had it..." Ms. Hazel opened her mouth to say something then laughed instead. "Well, at least now I know you're defenseless."

Sheila stumbled backwards when Ms. Hazel tore out of her skin, snarling loudly as she transformed into a horrid black creature. It was the creature from the previous night. The shadow. "What do you want with me?" she yelled, trying to buy herself time to come up with a plan. "I want you dead!" It pounced on her with pitch black claws.

She rolled out of the way, escaping the deathly claws. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" she yelled. Her tent was within reach, so she dashed for the entrance. It was sealed shut. "What the–" "You think I'm going to let you escape THAT easily?" It grabbed one of the logs and tried smashing it on her. She rolled to the right to evade it, then again to the left, grabbing a stone. With all her might, she flung the stone at its face. The shadow creature snarled on impact. "Sheila!" Chris was yelling. "Why is this thing not opening?!" yelled the real Ms. Hazel. Everyone else was awake, but they were all stuck inside their tents.

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