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Merely an year after the heart gripping attack in Huntsville, the memory had been erased from the minds of almost all the children. They had better things to occupy themselves with rather than mope around over an essence that was obliterated. Even the ever responsible Ms. Hazel had found a distraction that would keep the thought away from her head. Only two very good friends had made it their sole purpose to learn more about what transpired that night: Sheila Cruz and Teresa West.

Their recent attainment of double digits in the years had granted them the privilege of leaving the orphanage to travel the city, with a chaperone of course. The two have since been going to the city library to look up anything they could on the amulet, but only on weekends or after school. Lily was now also subject to the curriculum. She had begun kindergarten and her greatest challenge now was how she was going to shape her 'g's and 'y's properly.

Oakwood Library was by far the oldest library in the entire country. It was built in the late fourteenth century by scholars of that time. The State officials had done their best to refurbish it. It was quite large and nowadays frequently used by everyone. As usual, Sheila and Teresa reported there on a Saturday afternoon. One of the librarians, the one who watched over them the whole while, smiled on seeing them. "Hey there you two." "Hey Nessa," they replied.

Nessa was still in college. In fact, she only worked in the library to get a bit of extra credit and cash after classes during the day. A few weeks after the two started coming in, she got fond of them and offered to chaperone them in Ms. Hazel's place. "If I was as much a bookworm as you two at that age, I wouldn't be working in a library right now." "I guess that's why you're not Nessa. Don't worry, you won't have to give us the whole stay in school talk," said Sheila. "Wasn't planning to. You're smart though, for a ten year old. Come on in girls." They entered the library as was usual and immediately went to work.

By this time though, they did not have the fire to know burning in them as strongly as it did in the past. They were engaging Nessa in stories about teenage life and what-not, not realizing that their years into maturity had already begun. The day ended, along with all the fun. They were back in the orphanage by four o'clock. Sheila went to her room. The only other person who slept there was Lily. The latter was asleep, probably had a long day.

She was lucky to have the room. It was made for guests... But since guests were rather rare, and the two needed the beds more, it was set aside for them. Lily had her own bed, but she preferred sharing a bed with her big sister. Now, Sheila went to a drawer between the beds where she kept their personal items. She took out a drawing that she did herself. Ms. Hazel had the drawing framed for her. Normally, she would do this with her sister, but she let her sleep this time. She needed to be alone at the time to do it this time.

She put the picture on the floor, lit two candles and put a cross in front of it. The drawing was a well sketched pencil art of her entire family. She kneeled in front of it, made the sign of the cross and prayed, "Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are thou amongst all women, and Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Christ. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners. Now... And at the hour of our death. Amen." She took a deep breath and went on, "God, I don't know if I'm strong enough to face the dangers ahead of me. There's too much to be done, but I don't know how to do it. All I'm praying for now though, is that you protect my mommy and daddy, my brothers and sister. I hope they are there with you. Bless us Lord, and protect us all. Amen."

She put out the candles and put them away along with the cross, then went back to her family photo. "Hi guys. It's three days to the anniversary. I've grown tall, see? And my hair I really long, like yours is Mom. Ms. Hazel thinks I should have it cut but I like it this way. Lily says hi... She's asleep. She needs as much rest as possible you know, like how you used to make me sleep for an hour or two every afternoon when I was little. She's been a good girl though; I'm keeping a stern eye on her, just like I promised Dinah. We miss you guys, even though there's a slight chance you're not yet born. Life would have been so much... So much better with you around," she bit her lip when tears welled up her eyes, "I can't pretend to be strong. I'm not strong, I'm just a child. With you around... It would be so much easier to deal with things..." The tears fell against her will. "I promise you that I will keep pushing. I'll make sure Lily and I live through all of this. I... I just... I just wish you I could hold you guys one more time..."

She cried, sobbing quietly to herself. Then all sense of awareness came to her and she felt a presence in the room that was not meant to be there. "How long have you been standing there?" A pause... No answer at first. "Not long, but long enough," came Ms. Hazel's voice. She went to Sheila and kneeled down next to her. Sheila put an arm around Ms. Hazel who put an arm around her. "You're taking this so we'll Sheila. I'm proud of you." She kissed her forehead and held her in silence for a short while. "Anything yet?" asked Ms. Hazel. "No. It's been quiet ever since."

The Amulet of Eternal Light.

Since the year, before, since Lumberjack Luther, the amulet had not shone its light at all. "Is that good?" "I don't know." They went quiet again for a short while. Someone groaned softly behind them. "Sheila? Ms. Hazel? What are you doing here?" Lily had woken up, then noticed the picture, "Did I just miss--" "No, Lily. I was just looking at it," lied Sheila. Lily hated sleeping in when they were supposed to be commemorating their family. After Sheila told her they were orphans, Lily suggested that they do something to remember them by; so it always made her upset whenever she missed out. But Sheila just couldn't bring herself to wake her up.

"Can we do it now?"

"How about we do it in the morning Lily. I don't think Mom, Dad or anyone would want to talk to us when we're dozing off." Lily was about to protest but then realized it would be pointless to argue with Sheila. She was too smart, at the moment. "Okay then. I'm hungry Ms. Hazel." Ms. Hazel smiled, "Come on. Let's get you something to eat." She left the room, followed quickly by Lily. Sheila lay on her bed, thinking about the past... More like the future... Repeating the promise in her head. 

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