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Weeks of pure panic passed. Nessa was never in the library. Teresa's state had somehow worsened as she was bed ridden. Sheila though, was most of all stressed out. Despite the good news that ensued one fine Saturday evening. It was a simple anniversary celebration of the orphanage's opening. They were all feasting and chatting, when Chris called for everyone's attention.

"Hello everyone," they replied cheerfully, "I am so glad to be here with you this day of August. It's actually an honor to be here with you today. I know most of you and all my visits have been worthwhile. I'd like to thank God first. He's the Almighty, may His will be done." Everyone muttered an 'Amen'. "I also want to give a special appreciation to our lovely Mom, Madam Constance. Give a round of applause everyone." Everyone did, making the recipient smile gleefully, tremendously reducing the age in her face.

"I also want to appreciate all you children for the helping hand you give around here. Without your help, it would be hard to keep anything in order. That sense of responsibility will come in handy one day. Good work kids. Finally, I'd like to thank the staff members, teaching and non-teaching, for all the work you've done for this orphanage. So, on behalf of Alameda Resort, I present to you this cheque worth a hundred thousand dollars. Come here and receive it on behalf of the staff, Ms. Hazel."

Everyone cheered loudly. As much as the orphanage was more than able to sustain itself financially, there was always reason to rejoice when donations were sent in. hazel walked gleefully towards Chris and, shaking his hand in a silly manner, received the cheque. She was about to return to her seat when she noticed that he refused to let go of her hand, "I'm not done yet."

"Over the past five years, after I lost myself in the anarchy of Hitler's ambition, I never thought I'd ever be the same again. Hazel, you changed that for me. I've been falling hard ever since I knew you. My life gained meaning and you've since given me hope of a future I thought was shattered for life. I love you Hazel, so damn much." Everyone cooed, Hazel mouthing 'I love you too'. "Well, I won't keep everyone waiting. I'll just get straight to it."

The entire crowd gasped and burst into excited murmuring when Chris got down on one knee, holding hazel's hand. The woman in statement had the other hand clasping the crucifix on her chest, her face frozen in shock and gleaming crimson. "Hazel Lindemann, you're the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. You're my greatest source of joy. Will you do this washed the honor of taking this ring–" he took out a small black velvet box and opened it, revealing a silver ring with little diamonds all round it "– and make me the happiest, luckiest man on the planet by sharing eternity with me... and also initiate you as the newest Cruz of this time? Please say yes..."

The smile on his face alone was enough to shout 'Hell Yeah!'. she glanced at Sheila who was beaming gloriously alongside Lily who did not have the slightest clue what was happening. "Yes, yes of course I'll marry you." Everyone cheered when Hazel accepted the ring then hugged Chris so passionately she shed tears. "Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!" the chorus came up from the children. Chris and Hazel exchanged glances, shrugged and gave them what they wanted.

"EWWW!!" the children grimaced horrifiedly. They had been dreaming of the day they would see that; now that it happened, they regretted their life choices. The teenagers and adults laughed their hearts out then cheered for the newlywed couple. The distraction was sweet, wonderful to be more exact, but everything came crashing back seriously. Especially when Nessa appeared to her early the next morning with the spell book.


"I'm not supposed to be here Sheila 'cause it's a Sunday and all, but I have to tell you something," she had gotten into Sheila's bedroom at around six o'clock in the morning. Sheila was barely awake, Lily was out cold. Sundays, especially that one, was a day of sleeping in. "How did you even find my room?" asked Sheila, moving to let her sit.

"I've been working on these spells four hours a day, every day, for the past nine and a half weeks. I'm getting pretty good at them and I discovered one that helped me find you. A Locus charm," Nessa declared almost proudly. She was surprised that she found herself hanging out less and less with her own age-mates and more and more with a ten year old girl. None of her age-mates, though, was involved with magic much less the kind as powerful as Sheila's amulet.

"So, what is it you wanted to tell me?"

"The Locus charm! Don't you see? I found a way of finding the Omar!"

"What?" Sheila's heart skipped a beat, making the amulet glow in response. Nessa ignored it, "If we can find the Omar, we can find a way of getting rid of that prick who messed around with Louie's memory. We can end this–"

"Nessa, you never told me who Louie is."

The statement was so heartfelt, so silently put across that it shocked her more than she anticipated. She sighed, tossing the book on the bed, "He was my baby brother. Died when he was nine months old. I don't know why it still haunts me, especially since it happened fifteen years ago." The images replayed in her head, of herself playing around, a six year old girl. Of herself walking into the house to see Louie having crawled out of his room and dangling past the rails of the upstairs corridor of their mansion. Of Louie falling slowly, his mother screaming, his father diving. Of the blood that covered... everywhere...

"I'm sorry for that," Sheila placed a hand on Nessa's shoulder, "That guy, he gets into your head and uses your fears against you." "Well we have to stop him before he grows too powerful. Let's find the Omar, warn them about the Man in the Shadows and hope they stop him." Nessa looked determined, but she was forgetting that Sheila was still a bit too young.

"I can't just leave Nessa, I... what about Lily here? What about Ms. Hazel and Chris? What about Tess?" this was starting to get a little too much for her. "I know this is a lot to ask Sheila, but if we're going to stop this guy and save everyone, we need to find these people. They know so much about the Luminus, they might know how to save us all, and the reason you came back from the future," Nessa's voice was reassuring, but it reminded Sheila why she was really there: to stop the Rise of the Belledame.

"Do I need to leave a note or something?" she asked. "I know I left one back home," replied Nessa. She did not look so happy to leave either, but if the man in the shadows scared her as much as he did, this must have been the last resort. Sheila sighed then nodded firmly.

Quickly, they packed a few things. Nessa helped her write the note and watched her kiss Lily good bye. It was heartfelt to watch Sheila tell her sister goodbye, and worse when she shed a tear. "Are you sure you're up for this? I can always go solo–" "The amulet chose me for a reason. You wouldn't have come to me today if you didn't know this as well. I'm coming with you," her voice had become stern. "Don't worry, we're taking this bastard down as sure as my name's Vanessa Montgomery," said Nessa. Sheila smiled and followed her out the door.


Chris entered the room a few minutes later. "Sheila, are you awake? I got you something." He went to the beds and realized that only Lily was in bed. "Huh, must've woken up early." He was about to leave when he saw the letter on the drawer between the beds. He got it and opened it. It was not addressed to anyone in particular, but it was written by Sheila:

I left after I found out there's a way to stop the man in the shadows. I'm sorry but this is the only way. If it will make sure the Belledame is never born, if we can make sure the shadow never gets to any of you, we'd better do it. I will learn how to use the amulet, and I'll stop them whichever way I can. I'll be back soon. Take care of Lily.


The message was barely in his head. It shocked him, but he did not know where to start looking, what to do first. "So... the bitch and the brat eloped, huh? Said a bold demonic voice in the corner of the room. Chris snarled and took out his knife. A man appeared from the shadows with a purple glow in his eyes, short trim hair, a black trench coat and black clothes overall. He smiled grimly, "Hello Chris, long time no see." Chris snarled again, tightening his grip on the knife, "Arson."

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