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The urge woke her up. She felt compelled to go... she HAD to go. Without further hesitation, she got out of the blankets and walked towards the door. Her foot had not completely healed, but the bleeding had stopped. She walked barefoot, in her pajamas, to the outside of the house.

The night air was cool and crisp, a gibbous moon illuminating all the land. The creatures of the night were few as it was only half an hour past nine o'clock. She stood there, absent minded. She didn't know why but she felt that THAT was what she was supposed to do.

"DINAH." Came the horrendous whisper.

A black wisp of smoke rose up right in front of her, and out of it appeared the She-Devil. The Belledame. Her hair was flailing out wildly; tendrils of them lifted Dinah off the ground gracefully. The two were both off the ground, the Belledame's enormous hair doing freaky dances all around them. "Dinah!" shouted another voice. The Belledame looked to the door and saw Kyle, staring at them in shock. She laughed horridly, then pulled Dinah closer to herself and kissed her.

A dark essence of some kind moved from her body slowly into Dinah's, howls and wails of people in desperate pain started coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. She did this until she burst into a huge black cloud of smoke, then all of it went right into Dinah's mouth and nostrils. The Belledame's horrid scream sounded again, except this time... it came from Dinah.

Kyle stared at his beloved sister in horror. "D-Dinah?" She was on the ground then, breathing hoarsely. She looked up at him, her eyes glowing a sick yellow, "Hello my dearly beloved brother," came Dinah's voice. It sounded like her, but older, bolder. "You get out of my sister right now, you stinking bitch," he advanced towards her, his fists clenched in fury. The rage inside of him shadowed the fear. "I'm afraid I can't do that Kyle, your sister has a wonderful body. It's simply perfect, but she'll have to be at her prime if I'm to work with it."

Kyle stopped in his tracks when the Belledame suddenly started morphing. Dinah's hair grew longer, her face more and more beautiful. Her body grew bigger and even better shaped, with the hips and the curves almost perfectly rounded. Two very short horns protruded from her head, a thin tail with a pointed end protruded from her back. Her eyes had the same sick yellow glow in them and she developed short fangs in her mouth. "Much better."

She flew straight at Kyle fast. He ducked and rolled out of the way. She caught him by the scruff of his shirt and tossed him into the house. He went crashing through the living room and landed on a sofa set, groaning in pain. The noise startled everyone in the room. Anita rushed and took Lily in her arms, Daniel rushing to Kyle.

"Kyle! What-"

"She's- She's taken Dinah's body!" he said through gritted teeth, "She's done something to her... I don't-"

"Hush now Kyle dear," came Dinah's maniacal voice from the doorway to the living room. She stood there smiling malevolently. With her new body, Daniel concluded, she was now able to get into the house. She stretched her hands leisurely, "This... is gonna be fun." With that, she lunged at Daniel. Kyle tackled her from the side before she could reach her target, smashing her to the television set. "Anita! Take the kids and go!" shouted Daniel, taking his gun from its holster.

Anita quickly ran out with the other three children. She took them to the master bedroom and into a closet. "Stay here kids. I'm going to help Kyle and your father, okay?" She shut the closet door before they responded.

Kyle was thrown to the opposite wall in the room. Daniel shot at the Belledame, who crawled up the walls and across the ceiling like an insect. She pounced on him, knocking his gun off his grip and pinning him to the floor. He tried punching her but both his hands got pinned to the ground. She roared at him, her teeth bared, then went in for the kill. Anita interjected, smashing a heavy metallic baseball bat at the back of her head. Before the Belledame could even process the hit, she received another one to the side of its face, knocking it off Daniel. She hit the Belledame continuously, until it caught the bat and tossed her across the room roughly. Daniel got up quickly and grabbed the bat in an attempt to hit.

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