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Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months. Life in the past flew by so quickly that everything looked... surreal! She took a LOT of time before she got used to waking up in a bed that was not hers. The nightmares had minimized, and she got used to not seeing her family. Lily was able not just to stand but walk a few steps on her own. It was a cause for celebration, as well as a cause for alarm. The orphanage was an institution, so it also included a staff. Lily had become popular to them all, but they all knew the kind of destruction she could cause. Before long though, two years flew by.

Sheila had stopped living in her own shell of a body. The trauma had forced her into maturing earlier than all the other children her age. She was smart and showed a sense of wisdom now and then. For her age, that was a double thumbs up. She became social with everyone and spent most of her time with her baby sister. She made many friends, but her best friend was actually Ms. Hazel.

Madam Constance was thereafter giving a thumbs for the annual tours. Each year, every nine year old would go on a camping trip to Huntsville while all the fifteen year olds would go on a trip to Miami. Each trip lasted an entire week, and it was organized to be during the summer. As the orphanage was also a school, it gained a lot of money and was to invest some of it on the trips. Hazel was appointed to be in charge of the nine year olds. A camping guide would meet them at the site. Normally, she would have accompanied the other group to Miami, but someone younger than herself stepped in her place. That was when it hit her that she was aging.

The day finally came, everyone leaving felt enthusiastic. Sheila never knew she would feel that kind of excitement again, but she was reluctant at the very last minute. "What's wrong Sheila?" asked Ms. Hazel when she noticed Sheila standing undecided with her bag of clothes at the entrance door. "If I leave who's gonna take care of Lily? I can't just leave her all by herself." Ms. Hazel smiled and went to her, "Lily's going to be just fine. She's really okay with the seniors as you know and Madam Constance is watching her every move. You'll be back before you know it, okay dear?"

THAT convinced her, but she still ran back inside to hug her sister once again and kiss her good bye. Soon, they were off to Huntsville. The drive in the bus from Atlanta to Huntsville was long and tiring. Soon though, they were getting off the bus and stretching their limbs out. "Here we are children; Alameda Resort," said Ms. Hazel, getting off the bus. The resort was large but made entirely out of logs and wood. It looked fancy, given the arrangement of the logs. A man got out of the resort and went to meet them.

He was heavily built but with a moderate body size, not too bulky. He seemed to be in his early thirties with sleek auburn hair, a neat trim auburn beard, pale grey eyes, handsome face with a firm jawline and a wonderful smile. He had on a sleeveless shirt and military pants with heavy fitting military boots. He wore fingerless gloves as well. Everything about him spelt out 'MILITARY' . Sheila couldn't help but feel a certain liking to him.

"Hello everyone, my name is Christian Cruz. I'll be your camping guide this week. I hope you all had a wonderful trip," his voice was a melodious bass, sounding almost like her father. "Cruz? I'm called Cruz too!" blurted Sheila, attracting stares from her fifteen peers, her caretaker AND the bus driver. "You are? Well isn't that lovely. Be sure to look out for this one, Cruz's all over are known to be quite the adventurers. You are Ms....?" he had extended a hand to Hazel, who appeared dazed for a split second. "Hazel," she shook his hand smiling, "Hazel Lindemann ." "Well, Ms. Lindemann, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you would all follow me this way, I'll show you to your camping site. Lucky for you, you're the only one group here so the woods are all yours."

He led them into the woods surrounding the resort. They walked for several minutes dragging their bodies on arriving. The camping site was a large clearing somewhere in the middle of the forest. The ground was covered in a lash green layer of grass. Six tents were on the ground and enough space was on the clearing to fit a Prius. "I hope everyone brought their luggage, 'cause it's gonna be a long walk back to the bus, but YOU guys love walking, don't you?" They all moaned in protest. Chris chuckled at them. Four of the tents were bigger, and inside were four bed mats in each. Hazel would have the other tent while he had the last. The bus driver would stay in the resort.

"I was expecting to see Mr. O'Neil again," he said, helping her with her bags. She seemed like a nice lady, but he HAD to know her, else how could he work with someone he didn't know? "Well, he's aging you know, and Madam Constance really had to stay behind for Sheila's sake. Poor girl, was traumatized for almost a whole year about her family's death —"

She stopped herself and realizing she had already said too much, "Well, I'm all you've got now so you'll have to get used to me, Mr. Cruz." "Chris. Call me Chris," he said, placing the bags on a table in the tent. "I'm going to need the kids to help me gather firewood, wanna come?" he asked.

The man seemed bizarre. There was a way he seemed partly detached from the world, and his body movements and actions looked stiff. Something was obviously bothering his mind, but she couldn't ask. No use awakening the demons of a man who had probably torn a piece of his life from himself trying to lay them to rest. "I don't think I have much of a choice on that, Chris." She left her bags and followed him out of the tent. 

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