Moon Light
Rain splashed against the sidewalk and across her mud covered shoes as the gloomy teen walked home. Clouds that could unleash thunder and lightning loomed threating above her. Please, make it stop. My absence wouldn't affect anyone. To herself and what she felt like the rest of the world, she was just simply unimportant; a pebble among millions. She was one more object that the failing world had to provide for without anything in return. Like a fantasy book; an unnecessary object to reality. Just a few minutes more, she thought desperately. Her shoes made a horrid squishing noise as she walked the last few feet to her their house. Her fingers- which were ice- fumbled for the rusty key, but the door had already opened. A cruel woman stood at the wood door, sharp blades in her eyes.
"Look what the cat dragged in," she sneered," and you're late Girl."
Such a lovely name that this woman gave me.
She walked past her; it was a normal routine for the teenager. I will not crumble to her, above all the others. It was a desperate thought when she, after all, was at her limit. She slipped past the drunken man, who the woman had somehow come to love. Or more likely, take advantage of. Dripping wet feet dragged themselves up the stairs. The first door was cracked open with light, bubbly laughter flowing from it. Yet, she knew that this laughter would never reach her the same way that it did to the two young girls playing with dolls in the room.
"Why," she whispered to herself.
Sadly, the two blonds heard the soft plea, and they turned to stare unwanted looks at the ghost in the doorway.
"Oh look Lyra, it's the bitch," one of them squeaked to the other.
"Ya Anna, it is. I wonder why it's so ugly and fat," Lyra replied with a well practiced sneer, one which she had learned from her mother. The two snapped their heads back to the now shivering girl. With gleeful, mocking smiles, they screeched:
That was the breaking point for her. In a blind attempt, the girl dashed from the door frame and into her "room". She flung open the door, and a closet greeted her. The small room only held a full-body mirror, and a very small pile of itchy shirts and too long man pants. Her back thumped against the door. The sound of hopeless sobbing soon filled the closet. Well, that was until a kick to the door and a gruff "Shut the HELL up," quieted her. Only the porthole of a window showed the missing moon. Soft moonlight filled the room quickly, along with the reflection in the mirror. A girl made of skin and bones, puffy red eyes, and rags for clothes looked back at the one at the door. Another sob filled to room. Long hours pasted as though days and time both stopped and sped ahead. Could that even be possible? She thought to herself: if only she knew where that simple question that got her mind going would lead her. A moon that shined high in the sky showed how late it had become. But in that time, a plan had girl's mind, and now was the time of action. The door of the closet creaked open. However, the girl that walked out was not the girl who ran in, oh no. The woman who stepped out knew how to use her size to her advantage, and had eyes lit with not determination, but something darker. She silently glided into the kitchen and grabbed the largest knife she could find. Stairs creaked from even her light weight. Her eyes scanned the door to her parents' bedroom dangerously; the knife hung low from her hand. Her mind told yes, do it. So why was she shivering as she grasped the cool doorknob? A deep breath escaped her as she could hear the door swing open and the snore of a hungover man. She ignored the man himself and stalked to the woman instead. It took no hesitation to lift the knife directly over her moving chest. The girl's heart raced against her ribs, her arms shook; the knife came down and........ Stopped. No, she couldn't do it. Even if her life depended on it, she couldn't kill her, not yet. Fleeing from the bedroom- shutting the door with a large bang- she raced to the front door. Now, this was something she was sure about. The door, thankfully, opened with ease as the cool night air kissed her skin, It was an offer she couldn't say no to. Her feet slapped against the pavement as she ran. Soon after, screams followed, but among them was a laugh of insanity. Or was it joy?
Random Crap By Carson
Short StoryThis is just a book filled with random moments of my life, funny skits, or short stories that i create in my head. Basically just a book full of random junk that others call writing, so ENJOY. <3