"there is always a way out"

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    The classroom was cold, but she welcomed the cool air. It was her favorite class, all but one part. It was her partner. She sat next to the boy who made her uncomfortable to the utmost level. He was nice enough, it was just how he would do certain things, and say certain topics. It made her uncomfortable. Maybe it was from the rumors that he used to blow kisses to random girls, and how the kids used to whisper about his aloof manner. Eating a piece of her paper was the latest incident. This uncomfortable feeling would always hit her, just like as it did when she saw the back of his head. She did not like it one bit. It was the day after he ate a part of her paper. She was hole-punching a packet when the tiny circles of paper flew out. Then, as if it was as normal as flicking away a bug, he took one of the circles and ate it. She looked at him with a distraught expression for a solid minute. She wanted to say so many things about how that simple action disturbed her on so many levels, about how he had already annoyed her before, and about how he needed to learn so much more. But she couldn't, for not even 30 minutes earlier did he tell her that he wanted to commit suicide. He said it with such a calm attitude that she almost misheard him. He told her that he wanted to stop causing problems for everyone, but not to worry because he already talked to a counselor about it.So what was she supposed to do? He already done the one thing that she would have told him to do. She thought about this as he went on, but she cut him off by stating every life was worth enormous value. However, she only said this because she didn't want him to kill himself. By the end of class, she was worried, same as the next day. He talked about guns in class, something that did not fully click until after she got home. He stilled annoyed her, even with the thought of him committing suicide still in place. She wanted him to learn that what she highlighted was not what he should exactly highlight, how it ticked her off when he looked at her answer, and even more when he would ask what certain words on her paper were. Instead of saying these words, she asked to move seats the next day. She couldn't look at him as she took her seat, so she looked at her new partner, filling with happiness. She heard the boy call her name, but she did not turn her head. But now she writes. She writes about how worried she is, that she will walk into class and not see the strange boy the next day, about how if he is absent she will know that he could also be absent from the world.

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