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Lauren's POV

"What'd you get for number four?" I asked Camila, turning around in my chair to face her.

The two of us were currently studying in my room. Well, I was studying. Camila seemed much more interested in her phone from the looks of things.

"Cabello?" I called, attempting to get her attention again.

No response.

I let out a sigh as I grabbed a pen and threw it in her direction.

"What the fuck?" Camila questioned, rubbing her temple where the pen hit her. "You could've just called my name."

"I did," I said, making her face drop. "You were too engrossed in your phone to notice."

"Oh," Camila said, clicking the device off. "What'd you need?"

"The answer to number four," I told her.

I received a nod in response and she handed me the sheet of paper. I took it from her, looking over her answer briefly.

"Thanks," I said, attempting to hand her the paper back but she was once again too busy on her phone to notice.

"Who are you even texting?" I questioned her.

"What?" Camila asked, taking her paper from my hand.

"Who are you texting that has your attention like that?"

"Y/n," Camila answered shortly before typing another message.

I squinted my eyes at her, knowing that wasn't true. Y/n was in class taking an exam. She had told me this morning that I probably wouldn't be able to get ahold of her for a few hours around this time.

"Y/n?" I questioned, now very interested in knowing who Camila was actually talking to. "That's funny."

"What's funny?" Camila questioned without looking up.

"Y/n is in an exam right now," I said, which immediately halted her movements. "She told me I wouldn't be able to get ahold of her for a while."

Camila slowly looked up at me, staring back at me with fear when she realized she'd been caught.

"Who are you texting?" I asked her one last time.

"Nobody," she spoke, locking her phone and slipping it into her pocket.

I stood up and walked over to where she was laying on Y/n's bed.

"Camila, you can either tell me who it is or I look at your phone. You know I'm stronger than you and I will take it," I explained, watching as the girl snatched a pillow and held it between us.

"Okay, fine," I said before jumping on top of the other girl.

"Lauren! Stop!" Camila screamed when I started tickling her.

I didn't give up, watching her squirm underneath me until taking the perfect opportunity and snatching her phone.

That was way too easy.

"Lauren, give it back," Camila said out of breath as I held one hand between us and unlocked her phone with the other.

"Hayley? Who's Hayley- wait," I questioned, turning back to Camila quickly and knowing my suspicions were correct when I saw the look on her face.

She was texting her ex.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me, Camila," I told her in a tone I rarely used.

"Lauren, it is not what you think. You can read the messages. We aren't flirting or anything," Camila said quickly. "She texted me the other day and I just want to know what she wants."

I looked down at the phone, reading the thread of messages briefly before looking back up at the girl. She didn't lie, they weren't flirting or anything, but it still didn't sit right with me.

"Camila, I swear to god if you are fucking around I will-"

"I'm not," she cut me off, taking her phone out of my hand.

"What's more important to you?" I asked, regaining her attention. "Figuring out what your ex wants or Y/n's feelings? Because I know she wouldn't be happy if she knew this was happening."

I've been friends with Camila since we were in elementary school. I know how she is, and I wasn't about to let her fuck around and hurt the girl that has become of best friends and is hands down one of the most amazing people I've ever met.

"Lauren, for the last time, I'm not doing anything," Camila said sternly. "I just want to know what she wants."

I went to say something else but stopped when I heard keys jingling against the door handle.

"This isn't over," I told Camila right before the door opened and Y/n appeared with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Lo," she greeted as she entered. "Hey, baby."

She walked over to Camila and pecked her on the lips, the atmosphere of the room changing instantly.

"How'd your exam go?" Camila asked as she slipped her phone into her back pocket and left it alone.

"It went good, actually," Y/n spoke with a smile before laying down on the bed next to her.

All three of us fell into casual conversation and I decided to leave the Hayley situation alone, at least for now.

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