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Your POV

"Honey, I'm home," I called out as I walked through the front door of our apartment.

"Kitchen," Lauren called back with a laugh.

"Living room," Normani called as well.

I walked through the living room first to greet Normani, smiling happily when I saw Dinah was with her on the couch.

"Hi, my babies," I waved to the two girls, walking behind them to hug them over the back of the couch.

"How was work?" Normani asked as I dropped my bag and took off my shoes.

"It would've been better if you were there," I said, dramatically sticking out my bottom lip.

Normani laughed and shook her head. She was off today, which is I assume is why her and Dinah were chilling together in the apartment.

"I'm going say hi to Lo," I told the two, shaking my head when Normani sent me a wink.

"Come back and sit with us after," Dinah spoke. "I miss you, bish."

"Be back soon, bae."

Dinah blew me a kiss as I walked into the kitchen. Lauren had her back to me as she stirred whatever she was cooking. I didn't know what it was, but it smelled delicious.

"And you cook?" I spoke as I approached her. "Just marry me now."

"Finally," Lauren smiled, allowing me to hug her by leaning into me. "How is my favorite barista doing today?"

"I'm doing okay. What about you? You were off today right?" I asked, watching as she scooped a little of the food onto a spoon and blew on it gently to cool it off.

She held the spoon in front of my lips, allowing me to taste what she was currently cooking.

"Yes, I was off," she answered, using her thumb to wipe away sauce on the corner of my lips.

The action make my stomach flutter, but I tried my best to not show her the way it affected me.

"That is why I made dinner," she smiled. "Caldo de res."

"It's so good," I said honestly.

"My moms recipe," Lauren smiled, turning the burner down to warm and placing the lid on the pot. "There's tamales, too. They're in the oven to keep warm."

She wiped her hands on a towel before turning towards me to give me her full attention. Her eyes raked over my entire body, immediately making my cheeks warm.

"I wish you would've been off today, too."

"I'm off tomorrow," I told her, watching her eyes light up.

"So am I," she smirked. "We can hang out."

"Is the food ready?" Dinah asked as she walked into the kitchen.

Lauren stood back up to her feet and I turned my attention over to Dinah.

"Yea, it's ready," Lauren told her, stirring it again before backing away to allow Dinah to serve herself.

I made my way back to the living room, raising my eyebrows when I saw Normani pouring a shot.

"You want one?" She asked me, pouring a second before I even had a chance to answer.

"I know you're off tomorrow, so no excuses."

I laughed and shook my head as I walked over to her.

"Tequila?" I inquired.

"Lauren cooked hispanic food."

"So, we have to take tequila shots?" I asked as she handed me the shot.

Normani didn't even answer, just threw back her own shot before looking at me expectantly.

"Good talk," I said sarcastically before throwing back the shot she had given me, trying my best not to make a face but knowing I failed when I heard her laugh.

I placed the shot glass down as I felt the burn go lower and lower through my body. I shivered a little, giggling when Normani handed me a slice of lime.

We made our way back into the kitchen and my breath hitched when Lauren came up behind me and slipped an arm around my waist.

"I made you a plate. It's on the table," she spoke into my ear before winking at me and walking to her own spot at the table.

I did my best to compose myself before making my way over.

I needed another shot.

Undeniable (Camila/You/Lauren)Where stories live. Discover now