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Your POV

"Okay. What about if they're super sweet, but they call you mamas?"

"Immediately no," I stated, making Normani burst into laughter.

"Seriously?" She asked, not knowing if I was joking or not. 

"Seriously," I confirmed. "That's such an ick. Absolutely not."

"Okay, give me something that's the opposite of an ick," Dinah stated.

"A turn on?" I asked, making her roll her eyes.

"Yes, a turn on," Dinah mocked me, making me giggle.

Normani, Dinah, and I had been hanging out all day and somehow we got on the topic of my type. I absolutely blame Dinah for that, but it wasn't a terrible conversation to have.

"Someone who can read my mind," I said jokingly.

"That didn't work out very well the last time," Dinah said, making Normani choke on her drink.

"Dinah!" She scolded, smacking the girl on her arm.

I just laughed because that was actually pretty funny.

"She's laughing! It was just a joke!" Dinah exclaimed as she tried to dodge Normani's hands.

"You're right. Maybe next I'll try someone who doesn't get me at all," I joked, making Dinah laugh.

"Okay," Normani interrupted us. "I'm changing the subject."

Normani turned her attention to me.

"Have you decided whether or not you're going to stay in Miami for the summer?"

"No," I said with furrowed eyebrows. "How did you know about that?"

Normani's face dropped a little, but she quickly recovered.

"Lauren... mentioned it," she spoke slowly. "Also, Dinah is staying, and I'be pretty much made my decision to stay too."

So, it was official? Everyone was staying in Miami this summer?

"Dinah, where are you staying?" I asked even though Lauren had already told me the answer.

I just wanted to stall my own answer to Normani's question.

"Ally and Mila have an extra room. I'm just gonna go split rent with them instead of moving my entire life back to California again."

That was understandable. Me moving back home and Dinah moving back home were two completely different things.

"So, are you still trying to decide if you want to stay with Lauren and possibly me?" I asked the dark skinned girl across from me.

"Not exactly," she said, trying and failing to hide a smile.

It took me a second, but eventually I figured out what she was hinting at.

"You're staying?" I asked excitedly, a smile growing on my face quickly followed by a squeal when she nodded.

"Okay, I'm convinced," I said, making Normani burst into laughter. "I'm staying."

"That's all it took?" Normani said through laughter. "Lauren is going to be so mad when she hears about this."

I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Dinah said, kissing Normani on the cheek before getting up.

As soon as the door closed behind her I heard Normani speak.

"Okay. What's going on between you and Lauren?" She asked before I could say anything.

"I don't know," I sighed out, falling backwards on my bed.

"Oh my god. You have a crush on her."

"I can't have a crush on her, Mani," I spoke in a stressed tone. "That's such a bad idea."

"Is it?"

I propped myself up on my elbows quickly and looked at Normani with a questioning face.

"Is it not?" I asked.

"Okay. It might be a little bit," she trailed off. "But like, who fucking cares if you're happy?"

"How do I know I'll be happy?" I asked in an exasperated tone. "I don't even know if she feels the same way!"

"Trust me. She does," Normani spoke right before Dinah walked out of the bathroom.

"You guys want to watch a movie?" Dinah asked as she laid down on Lauren's bed with Normani.

My thoughts began to run rampant the second conversation started again, but that didn't last long. I looked over at the door when the handle jiggled and soon enough a beautiful, raven haired girl was walking through it.

"Oh. Whole gang is here?" Lauren said when she saw there were three of us here.

"Ew," Dinah answered. "Never say that again."

Lauren flipped her off as the rest of us stifled a laugh. She placed her bag down and looked around like she was looking for something. I quickly realized she was looking for a place to sit since Normani and Dinah had taken over her bed.

"Come over here, loser," I spoke with a giggle, reaching out and pulling her over when she was close enough.

"Hey," Lauren smiled at me as she climbed into bed. "How was your day?"

Dinah and Normani were too lost in their own conversation about what movie to watch to hear what Lauren and I were saying.

"It was good," I smiled. "How was yours? You look... good."

I blushed whenever I couldn't find the words to say. Today she had just thrown on some gray sweats and a t-shirt, and she looked hot as fuck.

"These are my pajamas," she giggled, turning her head sideways a little with a cute smile.

"I know. I just..." I stuttered and ducked my head to hide my blush.

These are the times when I get myself in trouble. I knew I shouldn't flirt, but I was about to.

I licked my lips with a smirk before looking up directly into Lauren's eyes. My facial expression was calm as I cocked my head to the side innocently. I dragged my eyes down to her waist and back up to meet hers again.

"You look hot," I said lowly, keeping our eyes locked and watching as hers filled with lust.

Neither of us said a word, but eventually I felt eyes on us from the other side of the room. I think Lauren felt it too because she nodded once and turned to put her own feedback into the movie conversation.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


"Huh?" I questioned, not knowing what was going on but noticing a movie on the screen and three expectant faces. "Yea, that's good with me."

Lauren giggled lowly as Dinah clicked play and everyone started to get comfortable. I almost slipped back into my rampant thoughts, but didn't when Lauren pulled me closer to her and allowed me to snuggle into her side.

I'm so fucked.

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