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Lauren's POV

"Do you think dinosaurs had feelings?" Dinah asked as the girl across from me scribbled a sentence down in her notebook.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at Dinah incredulously before turning to me.

"We are literally reading about Shakespeare. What does that have to do with dinosaurs?"

"We're reading about Shakespeare," I spoke, emphasizing the important part. "She hasn't even opened the PDF."

"Like when they saw the meteor do you think they knew?" Dinah asked, genuinely wanting to know the answer.

"Literally Google it," Y/n spoke bluntly, making me laugh.

"Okay," Dinah nodded, focusing her attention on the computer screen in front of her.

"Y/n..." I groaned, trying to get the girls attention back on me. "I don't want to read anymoreeee."

I rested my head in my hands and leaned forward in her direction.

She smiled at my dramatics, making my chest explode with butterflies. I couldn't control the way I felt for the girl at all at this point.

I flirted constantly, even though I knew I shouldn't. I couldn't help it anymore. It all started when we came back from Christmas break.

"We don't have that much left," she spoke, brushing a piece of hair out of my face.

I could feel Dinah's eyes watching the back of my head and knew I needed to back up a little. I leaned back in my chair and pulled my eyes away from the girl across from me.

"They did!" Dinah exclaimed, turning her computer around so Y/n and I could see it. "They had feelings."

I shook my head with a laugh.

"And on that note," Dinah stood up from her chair. "I'm going to the lobby to get a snack."

"Oh, yea. You've been hard at work," Y/n said sarcastically. "Need more brain fuel."

Dinah flipped her off as she walked out the room.

"Text me if you guys want anything!" She shouted as the door shut behind her.

Y/n and I both laughed a little before focusing back on the work in front of us. Or at least I thought we both did.

"Hey," Y/n said, getting my attention. "I have a question."

"I might have an answer," I responded, leaning forward a bit to show her I was listening.

"What ever happened to Lucy?"

Wow. That was absolutely not what I was expecting. It actually surprised me so much I had to take a few seconds just to figure out my answer.

"Lucy?" I asked, not quite being able to process what she said fully.

"Yea," Y/n nodded. "Lucy. The girl you were getting to know-"

"I know which Lucy," I cut her off.

I knew she was giving me an obvious answer on purpose. It almost felt like she was asking out of... jealousy?

"Nothing really happened," I started.

It almost felt like I was being interrogated.

"I ended that before we even went on Christmas break."

Her eyebrows furrowed at my answer. Looks like I was the one surprising her this time.

"Really? Why?" She asked. "I thought you two really hit it off?"

It almost hurt that she was so surprised. Especially since I was now making it so obvious that I was into her.

"We did," I nodded. "It just isn't what I want right now."

"What do you want right now?" She asked me, leaning forward in her seat a little.


I didn't get a chance to answer before Dinah walked back in.

"I got you a snickers," Dinah said, walking straight to Y/n and handing her the candy bar. "Because I love you."

Y/n giggled and hugged the girl.

"Thank you," she playfully gave Dinah a big kiss on the cheek.

Dinah laughed and pushed her back into her chair. She walked back to her seat and plopped down, putting in her AirPods and clicking on the Netflix app.

I turned my attention back to my work, using this as an opportunity to not answer the girls question, but I knew it wouldn't be that easy. I could feel the girls eyes on me.

I looked up and, sure enough, Y/n was already looking at me.

"I never had feelings for her," I spoke lowly. "It just isn't what I want right now."

Y/n nodded and sent me a small smile, silently reassuring me that she wasn't going to push. She didn't want to pry, but I almost wanted her to pry.

I wanted to tell her exactly how I felt, but I didn't want to risk our friendship. She was such a great person, it's hard not to catch feelings for her.

I sent her a smile back before focusing back on my work.

I really needed to tone it down.

Undeniable (Camila/You/Lauren)Where stories live. Discover now