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Lauren's POV

"No, you're wrong," Dinah told Camila.

"I'm not wrong. I can't be wrong for having a preference," Camila argued back.

"Yes, you can if you your preference is wrong," Dinah told her, making Camila roll her eyes.

"Lauren, what do you think?" Camila turned to me to ask.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked up from my notebook.

"What?" I asked her, looking back and forth between the two girls.

"Apple juice or orange juice?" Camila asked with raised eyebrows.

"Tread carefully," Dinah warned. "There is a wrong answer."

"Apple juice," I answered, making Dinah smile.

"See, an intellectual," she motioned to me.

"You suck, Jauregui," Camila teased, throwing a balled up piece of paper at me.

"Let's talk about something else," Dinah began and my attention was now completely off the work in front of me. "What's going on with you and Y/n?"

I giggled a little at Dinah's question. They had been super close these past few days and we all kind of just accepted it.

It wasn't weird at all and they were actually pretty cute together.

"I don't know," Camila shrugged with a smile. "She's just- ughh.. she's perfect."

"You sound like you're in love with the girl, Cabello," Dinah teased. "It's been like a week."

"I'm not in love with her," Camila shot back, flicking Dinah off. "She's just so pretty and funny and I like her a lot."

Dinah and I shared a look when Camila fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"It's just weird because I've never liked someone this much so quickly," Camila continued. "I'm usually pretty good at being able to control myself but with her it's different and I don't know why."

It was funny because I had talked to Y/n about this and she felt the same way.

"Whipped," Dinah joked, laughing with Camila shot her a glare.

"Fuck off, Hansen," she told her. "Jeez, I need to slow down. It is not okay that I like her this much after only like a week."

"Well, it could be worse. At least she likes you just as much," I told her, watching as she sat up quickly to look at me.

"She does?" Camila asked with raised eyebrows.

Dinah and I broke into laughter at the girl's quick response.

"Yes. Do you not see that?" Dinah asked. "Even I notice her blatantly staring at you when we're all out and I'm like the least observant person ever."

"I mean I notice too but that doesn't mean much," Camila brushed off.

"Shut up," Dinah said. "That girl is just as whipped for you as you are for her."

Camila couldn't contain the smile on her face which made me giggle.

"Bet you can't wait until she let's you hit-"

"Dinah, shut the fuck up," Camila cut off the younger girl.

"What? It's true. Tell me you haven't thought about it," Dinah challenged.

Camila's face was turning red at Dinah's comments.

"Do you ever stop speaking?" Camila asked as she grabbed the tv remote and pointed it at Dinah. "How do I mute this thing?"

"You can't!" Dinah laughed, snatching the remote from Camila and landing a playful punch to her right shoulder.

"Ow! Dinah, what the fuck?" Camila asked through a laugh and a groan, holding her shoulder.

"I didn't mean to hit you that hard," Dinah somehow got out through her excessive laughter.

"You guys are idiots," I told the two with a smile on my face.

"You love us," Dinah teased as she sat back in her chair.

"Dinah, I'm gonna have a big ass bruise tomorrow. You know I bruise easily," she complained to the girl.

"Then you can think of me every time you look at it," Dinah joked, making Camila roll her eyes.

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