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Your POV

I let out a deep breath after I put away the last of my things. My dorm room was set up for the year and I couldn't be more relieved. My head snapped to the side when I heard the door knob jiggle.

"Y/n!" Lauren exclaimed when she saw that I was already inside of our room.

She ran over to me, engulfing me in a huge hug. I hugged her back with a smile. I really missed her over the summer. I felt her smile into my neck, sending shivers down my spine before she pulled away.

"Where's Camila?" She asked as she placed down her things on her side of the room.

"At her apartment," I told her, walking out of the door with her when she waved for me to follow.

"She didn't help you move in?" Lauren asked with raised eyebrows as she held open the door for me.

"No," I shook my head, knowing exactly what Lauren was thinking. "I didn't bring much this year anyways."

Lauren shook her head with a laugh even though I knew she didn't find anything I said funny.

"You should've texted me," she told me as we approached her car and she grabbed a few bags. "I would've come earlier to help you move in."

"It's okay," I shrugged, attempting to take a bag from her trunk but failing when she swatted my hand away.

"My dad and brother will be here in like ten minutes. They'll get the rest," she spoke before closing the trunk. "You can open the doors for me though. You know, to prove chivalry isn't dead."

I laughed and flipped her off before leading the way back to our room, opening all of the doors along the way.

"What? No tip?" I joked when we got back to our room.

"Do you accept payment in kisses?" Lauren asked, blowing kisses in my direction.

I jokingly caught one in mid air and shoved it into my pocket.

Lauren and I continued to talk and catch up as she unpacked her things. Her family showed up with the rest of her belongings, moving everything she needed into our room before saying their goodbyes. Apparently, they had dinner plans, which Lauren had decided not to tag along for.

"So," Lauren began as she sat across from me. "You said you had big news. What is it?"

"I did a lot of thinking over the summer," I told her. "And I think I've finally decided on a major."

"Well, what is it?"

"Art," I spoke, watching Lauren's face light up.

"No way," she smiled. "That's so fucking cool. You're going to be so great."

Lauren pulled me into a big hug, allowing me to dig my face into her neck. I felt so happy and relaxed in her arms. I was so lucky to have her around, honestly.

Lauren pulled back but kept her hands around my torso, staying just a few inches away. I watched as she smiled lightly, her eyes flickering down to my lips briefly. I couldn't help but do the same. I think I'd always have a little crush on her, but that was somewhere I don't think either of us were willing to take our relationship.

"Ummm. So, is Camila going to come over?" Lauren asked, clearing her throat lightly as she backed up.

"She might. I told her she could, but her and Ally are currently furniture shopping," I shrugged.

I hadn't seen my girlfriend all day, but we had gotten to a point where that was okay. We had exited the honeymoon stage, and I'm not sure that was a good thing. The past few weeks had been really hard one us, but hopefully things would get better now that we were back to being physically together.

Lauren seemed skeptical and I didn't know why, but she had known Camila much longer than I had. Maybe she knew something I didn't.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Me? Yea, I'm fine," Lauren brushed me off. "I've just never seen Camila get this serious with anyone."

"What's that mean?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"She has just never been one to stick around this long. I guess you're the one to change that for her," Lauren said with a small smile.

I nodded with a smile as well even though I was secretly terrified. Camila had my heart at this point, so if she decided all of a sudden that she didn't want to be in this relationship I would be devastated.

"Yea, I hope so."

"Come on," Lauren smiled and rose to her feet. "Let's go get some dinner."

Undeniable (Camila/You/Lauren)Where stories live. Discover now