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Your POV

"Grande iced caramel macchiato for Jennifer," I called to Shawn as I finished ringing the customer up.

I handed her the change from the ten dollar bill she gave me and told her that we'd call her name whenever her coffee was ready.

I had been working at the coffee shop for a little over a week now and honestly I was loving it. It was never super busy and most of the traffic coming through was from college students since my university was just down the road.

I had gotten a lot closer to Normani and Shawn since I started working too, so it was nice to have more friends around.

"Jennifer!" Shawn called out, handing her coffee to her and sending her a smile that made her blush.

I rolled my eyes with a small laugh, making him shift his attention to me.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked as he walked over to me.

"You. You flirt with every girl that walks in here," I told him.

"I do not," he defended himself as I raised my eyebrows. "That wasn't flirting. It was just a friendly smile."

I was about to say something else but we were interrupted when the girl walked back up to the counter and handed him a folded piece of paper.

"Call me sometime," she said with a wink before walking out of the shop.

"Friendly," I said with a smirk, watching his face glow red.

"Shut up," he told me before walking away from me.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of messing with Mendes," I said as Normani walked to stand beside me.

"Oh, I know I never will," she added.

"You two know I can hear you right?" He asked from across the shop where he was wiping down tables.

"We know," Normani and I said at the same time before laughing together.

I looked up when I heard the bell ring, indicating that someone had walked in. I smiled when I saw my roommate and a girl I didn't recognize.

"Hey, Lo," I said as she approached the counter. "And friend."

"Hey, Y/n. You guys don't look too busy today," she said as I noticed the girl on the side of her shamelessly checking me out.

I couldn't say anything though because I'd be lying if I said I didn't do the same when she walked in. She was gorgeous.

"We were pretty busy earlier this morning. It's died down since," I explained.

"Oh, Y/n. This is my friend Camila from high school I told you about. Camila, this is my roommate Y/n," Lauren introduced us to each other.

"Ohhh, you're the Camila that bailed on us twice," I teased, watching her face turn red before she finally opened her mouth to speak.

"Yea, that would be me," she said, sticking her hand out to shake mine.

We shook hands and it was like she was staring at me too hard to remember to let go.

"Sorry," she apologized when she realized what she was doing.

"I like your necklace. It's beautiful," I complimented.

Lauren and Normani were just standing and watching our interaction, both of their eyebrows raised.

"T-thank you," Camila stuttered slightly before clearing her throat. "I've heard a lot about you from Lauren. I'm glad we're finally getting to meet."

"Me too," I smiled at the girl. "So, did you two just come to talk or do you want coffee?"

"Oh, I want coffee but Camila seems a little too distracted now," Lauren said with a smirk and crossed arms. "I'll take a caffe mocha."

Camila shot her a glare before turning back to me with a smile.

"I'll just take a vanilla latte," Camila said, handing me cash so I could ring up the drinks.

I could hear Normani making the girls coffees behind me as I began counting the change.

"Here you go-"

"Keep it," Camila smiled before I could finish.

She sent me a wink and I was wondering where her sudden burst of confidence came from.

"I uh... thank you," I told her, slipping the change into the tip jar.

My face was the one heating up this time as I quickly turned around to help Normani.

"I got it," Normani told me as I picked up another cup to make Camila's drink.

"No, you don't understand..." I said quietly, making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion. "I'll tell you when they leave. I'll make the vanilla latte."

Thankfully, Normani didn't ask another question and just let me make Camila's drink. I knew Normani didn't need help, but I didn't want Camila to see how hard I was blushing.

"Here you guys go," I said as I handed the girls their coffees.

"Thank you, beautiful," Camila told me as she took the drink from my hand.

I could tell she purposely caressed my hand when she took the drink, and I immediately felt my cheeks begin to heat up again.

"We have to run but I'll see you later, Y/n," Lauren told me with a smile as the two girls left the shop.

"You want to explain to me why you look like a tomato?" Normani asked with a smirk.

"Was she flirting with me?" I asked her, completely ignoring her question.

"Oh, she was totally flirting with you," the girl told me with a laugh. "And you don't look too upset about it."

"Oh, not upset at all," I said as I leaned my weight against the counter. "She's so pretty."

"Oh my god. You like Cabello. This is golden," Normani said with another laugh.

"Whoa. Slow down there. I barely know her name. I just think she's beautiful," I corrected.

"I can't wait to tell Lauren."

"Normani, I swear if you tell Lauren-"

"Relax, Y/n," the other girl cut me off. "Camila is probably gushing to Lauren about how pretty you are right now."

"You don't know that," I told her as I began wiping down the counter.

"Oh, don't I?" She challenged before sending a quick text on her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked, stopping when she put a finger up.

"Give it a second."

We both sat and waited for about a minute before her phone chimed, indicating that she got a text.

"I was right. She's gushing about you," Normani said, making me realize she texted Lauren.

"You're blushing again," she teased, making me roll my eyes and turn away.

A customer walked in and I quickly pointed to them.

"You can get that," I told her, making her scoff.

"Whatever," she said sassily before turning to take the customers order.

Undeniable (Camila/You/Lauren)Where stories live. Discover now